Problematic Parties

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(Just a PSA that I will be continuing all of my writing in 3rd person, I know I've been gone for a while but I've been going through a ton, I'm now  10th grader! Along with dealing with highschool I've had a lot of family issues, but I've also been doing my best to better my writing so I hope the change doesn't bother anyone)(Also Anna is 3, I put the wrong age in and I don't know if I missed any so just in case)

        With now two babies in the house, Paisly had been getting so little sleep lately that she was practically a zombie. You'd think with another person in the house she would have less to do but no, Ginny did jack shit when it came to the babies, neither did Harry. Bella and Charlie would help but with their room being the attic, there was no way to get there before her without disturbing everyone else. Paisly was also the kind of person who hated inconveniencing others, she would work herself until she passed out before she made Charlie and Bella get up and take care of a baby they had no responsibility to.(Geez, Jeanna, I wonder why these types of characters are so easy to write, maybe you should let people help you. Yeah probably not.) It was currently 3 in the morning and she was standing in a bra and sweat pants, holding the not even year old baby to her chest, skin to skin contact helps Teddy sleep much better than rocking or singing. Her hair was up in a messy bun, tangled from not being brushed for a week, she had stains all over her pants and shirt, one of Fred's old t-shirts, and she could fit her entire life into her eye bags. "Oh please darling, just go to sleep. Shh." 

      After about an hour of rocking the screaming baby he'd fallen asleep and she set him down carefully. Relieved when it doesn't make him scream again she lets out a breath of relief and turns around carefully and shouts, "AHH!" She hadn't been expecting Jasper to be standing in the window, usually she could at least hear the wind and predict when he would appear, but due to her immense lack of sleep she had been on low alert. This did wake up Teddy, not only Teddy, but her very energetic toddler also awoke ready to start the day. She clenched her fists and took a breath before turning to her toddler, picking up Teddy. "It's not time to wake up yet baby, why don't we go back to sleep." "B-But you's is awake mama." "I'm only awake because Ted-" "JAZZY!" She sighed quietly as the toddler ran to the blonde vampire and threw her hands around his knees, that was how tall she was to him now. Slightly tall for her age, but due to her fathers height, this didn't surprise Paisly. He chuckled and picked the girl up, tossing her in the air and catching her, "Hey there Tater Tot." She giggled and began to mess with his long hair. He did his best to pull her little hands from his hair and spoke to her quietly, "Hey, why don't we go back to bed, see, it's still dark. You gotta make sure you're all rested for your sleepover with Uncle Sam don't you." After a couple minutes, he convinced the girl to lay back down, but only if he promised to lay with her. 

       Paisly was still trying her hardest to get the small boy to sleep. She eventually walked over to the water bottle she had in a thermo bag, to keep them warm, and held it to his little bloated stomach in her hands. While he was awake his hair was constantly changing color along with his entire appearance, but when he was asleep he made her heart stop. He was a spitting image of the baby pictures she'd seen of Remus. She used this as a tell to see when he was getting close to sleep. By the time the boy had finally fallen asleep it was five o clock. She let out a groan, knowing it was time for her to get up and get ready for school. She looked at Jasper, who was still laying with the small girl and smiled widely. She used the moment to take a picture with her camera Molly had gotten her for her last birthday before whispering, "Can you watch them while I go get ready for school?" "You go right on ahead darling." She smiled again and kissed Anna's and his head before gathering the items she would need to destinkify herself. Their small break was over, though for Paisly it was just a small period used to move in Teddy and get absolutely no sleep while Harry and Ginny went out to Seattle and Forks, investigating the new town. She appearated to the bathroom, to avoid any noise. Once in the warm water she let out a sigh of pleasure. She thoroughly scrubbed the vomit and other fluids off of herself and smelled like coconut once more.

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