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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

TIME: 11.43 p.m

        IVY'S DEAREST BELOVED CLASS WAS ENGLISH LITERATURE yet today, one would say she felt the complete opposite. Distant stare glazed over her eyes, her deeply toned hand traced a pattern over her notebook, the class topic blaring in her thoughts over and over. Angels, Heaven, Devils, betrayal. The allegory's swirling around her mind like a fucking glowing halo, she wished she payed attention but she didn't.

     What the hell is wrong with Ivy these days, she was the biggest goodie-two shoes to exist in the past three years of high school but in the foregone month, lessons flew by and she couldn't name a single piece of information in awhile. Ivy didn't actually hate it as much as she thought she would, feeling dumb was kind of—freeing. Autarkic. She liked it.

A pen balanced between her plump lips, as the background noise of class echoed through her ears. Ivy couldn't wait until lunchtime, the spicy pasta her mother made was already salivating in her mouth.

    "Ms. Dulce!"

     Miss. Habdole snapped her fingers sassily, her hand flat against the pine wood table, the leather pumps tapping impatiently against the floor.

     Ivy stared at her blankly, her name is called without a question following it. "Mhm."

"Would you care to elaborate on the topic, since you seem so interested?" She paused, allowing the class to snicker immaturely. "The discussion is Angels Vs. Devils. Like to expand on anything we were talking about, if you were even listening."

Oh God. She raised her bushy eyebrows, letting the pen descend from her plump lips, in which she replied, "Elaborate? Um-" The impatient expression the teachers face held, quickened the pace in which Ivy tried to find her answer. Picking up her glasses from the desk, she adjusted the lenses upon her nose, the slightly blurry view turning hd.

Religion wasn't a vocal point for Ivy in the slightest. Her mother was Catholic and attempted to take her to the local Cathedral every so often below the age of ten. They both sort of, gave up after a while, the attending starting to feel like a burdensome chore. She believed in a God, but wasn't very educated nor close to the idea of Him.

"Uh-" She breathes feeling the million of eyes dispiriting her confidence. Clearing her throat, "When one thinks of Angels vs Devils, you automatically think of imagery for evil vs good. Angels painted in this like, pure white portrayal, depicting goodness. If you're pure, well it 'equals' good, which I already heavily disagree with. Being one hundred percent pure doesn't automatically mean good, no-one is ever fully pure. Which ties in with, you know, the toxic ideas about virginity and sinning and other stupid things I hate." She started on a tangent but refocused.

𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐅.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ