¶ First Attempt ¶

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Hello there, wanna hear a story? Of course you do well here's one. A story about my life as the fastest man alive before you says anything no I'm not the famous Barry Allen sorry😅, but hey don't worry. My name is Y/N Sparks and I'm the fastest man alive to the outside world I'm just a random kid that no one notice but I keep a secret I'm a speedster and I use my power to help people in Central City. I am the Flash and I'm about to meet quite a special person.


(Time skip) Morning 9am

The alarm goes on, I open my eyes slowly to see what time is it and then I saw it was 9 am already and I panicked falling of my bed. "I'm late I gotta go quickly!" Then I started packing my things and leave my house. I head to my work at Starbucks and apologize for being late (again), and get back to work.

Somewhere in the city

??:" That must be here right Winston?"

Winston:"Indeed I think we found the right place now come on let's move"

The two people head inside a big jet and leave for now.

Pov: Y/N

Many hours has now passed and I was about to go home when I hearded some people screams. Then instantly I leave my bag but it was empty because there was my suit, I put it on and ran as fast as I could. I arrive at the place and saw a man with a skull mask and shotguns."Who are you? What do you want? Ohh almost forgot put you weapons down now skull face or you might regret it!". He ignored me and look at some random directions.

??:" Get back here stupid monkey!! Die! Die! Die!" As he shoot to something that look like a gorilla.

Winston:" That's all you got Reaper?"
   He gave the man an arrogant smile and run to cover behind a car, and then a woman got out and started firing at the man with the skull mask until she teleport behind him but he predict it and he point his gun to the woman's face.

Y/N:" Ohh no you don't!!!"
    Then you appeared out of nowhere and start running around him as he was totally lost as he saw a red streak you threw a lightning bolt at him sent him flying through a wall. Then you gave a hand to the woman

"u alright?"

She nodded and replied

" who are you?"

Before you could reply you forgot that you can't let people know who you are, and you ran off as she stares at you leave the scene.

Time skip:

"Finally at home, what a day at least now I can relax but first....Jeez I'm so hungry"

you said as you grab you're wallet and got out.  You were walking around searching for the perfect place to eat then you found a little japanese restaurant not too fancy you get inside and a waiter asked you.

"Hello young man what can I do for you today?"

You turn around to sit on a chair at the bar and face him and replied.

" I would like the best ramen u got please".

The waiter wave his hand as a sign

"Will do sir, one ramen from the chef coming through".

You started looking around and froze when you saw the same girl from earlier then in an instant you hide you're face behind you're hand and hope that she doesn't recognize you. Then the waiter came and you face him.

It's About Time. Tracer X Reader (Speedster)⚡Where stories live. Discover now