Chapter 10- Fateful Reunion

Start from the beginning

Tari- I'm quite alright just processing something that's all.

Michael- oh would you like to tell me?

Tari- ah no, no its alright but anyways why did you want to talk with me?

Michael- ah yes, my offer, well its simple id like to reincarnate you as a Half-Angel Half-Nekoshou with your permission.

Well, I wasn't expecting that now, but this could be helpful and interesting I'll hear him out.

Tari- go on.

Michael- well I sure you are a bit confused so I will explain. Since you are the only one to wield Excalibur Mimic now id thought if I made you into an Angel, you could access even more of its power with a stronger affinity of Light and Holy Magic to the levels of an Angel so what would you say?

Tari- there must be a catch there always is.

Michael- ah I'd thought you say something like this so I will explain that I only ask that you help us when we need it but if you were worried about falling e believe that due to you Nekomata blood it will cancel out the rules in that regard so do you accept?

This could be helpful as id get stronger and I have help if I needed it but my escape plan for me and the ones, I would bring won't need to change if I can get help from them, but I think this might be the right choice? Right. What was it that Jackie said?

"Well amigo do what you think is best for you after I'm not you and you sure aren't me now ey amigo".

Yeah, I'll do it after all its what's best for me I think and after all I'm still me just a different race now.

Tari- I'll do it Michael-Sama I'll become an Angel like you.

He gave me a small smile and pulled out what looked like a playing card which was a 10 of Spades and he held this to my chest and told me it might feel a bit strange. Suddenly the card was inserted into my chest well more specifically my heart and he was right this felt really strange, but I started to feel really tired like I could use I nice long nap, ah that sounds really nice now.

So, I let myself fall wanting sleep to take be mut I was caught by Irina who was still smiling at me, but my eyes grew heavy, so I let them close, and the comfort of sleep take me.

3rd Person PoV

As the now Angel-Nekoshou hybrid fell asleep Irina and Michael discussed on where to put hi so he can rest but they settled on taking him to the First Layer of Heaven where Irina Lived so she could care for him until he woke up then he can go back to his apartment in Kuoh or live with Irina but secretly Irina wished that he would stay to live with her however due to him becoming An Angel his body was exhausted as it needed more energy for him because of  his power and him being the Mate of Ophis but this was never found out by the 2 Angels who took him to First Heaven due to Magic she had put on him a while back with his request in case anyone tried to find out the truth

Tari ended up staying the whole day but when he had woken up, he didn't notice his 4 wings and Halo until Irina asked him if he had seen it but he did like his new look however when he remembered that he is joining Sona and the ORC to the underworld he had to leave quickly to they didn't leave without him but he did say goodbye to Irina but not Michael as he was busy doing something important somewhere else 

But before he left, he was told by Irina who he then found out was also an Angel had told him how to hide his Halo and Wings for when he got down there, but he just made it in time for the train to the underworld and he found Sona waiting for him, so he ran u to her not before hiding his new Angel and Nekoshou parts and they boarded just in time.

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