Chapter 13 Meeting and new alliance

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It's been a week and now you and misaka we're going to meet with the faction leaders is this base for anti-skill. Mizaka came in just as you finished putting your coat on and blushed.

 Mizaka came in just as you finished putting your coat on and blushed

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Author Note: " You pick which one you want.

You smell like misaka and give her a kiss on the forehead taken her hand and walking to the anti skill base with the 3 faction leaders, ozma, nezu and winter waiting for you.

Sairaorg: "I'm Sairaog The new and current Lucifer and I represent alongside serefall, ajuka and falbium the devil faction.

Michael: " Michael and I represent the angels.

Azazel: " Azazel and i represent the fallen angels.

Ozma: " Ozma and i represent the Huntsman and huntresses.

Nezu: " Nesu and i represent the heroes.

Misaka: " Misako makoto and i represent the espers of Academy city.

(Y/n): "(Y/n) Red grave and i represent the humans.

Ozma: " The Huntsman are human you're not needed hear redgrave so leave.

Michael: "If that's the case and I will leave as well. I do not come here to me with you Ozma.

Azazel: "Same here we came to make an alliance with Academy city since we cut ties with Union.

Ozma and nezu If were surprised that two of their major allies were leaving them to join Academy city.

Sairaorg: " The devils would also like to join forces with Academy city. Seeing the good the espers have done along with the Sparda family.

Ozma: " You can't be serious many of your people apart of our school and you're just gone remove them I don't think so.

Misaka: " You don't have any authority over what they do if they want to remove them from your school they have full right to.

Nezu: " Be silent little girl the adults are speaking.

You far off a couple rounds near nezu surprising everyone as they saw you furious.

(Y/n): " Never disrespect misaka if this is how the meeting's gonna be I'm leaving.

Sairaorg: " Wait I'd have to agree with them nezu you have no right to disrespect her and if you have a problem with her then the relationship of the devils and heroes is over.

The other devil kings nod their heads and leave as to the angels and fallen angels.

Ozma: " You ruined everything we were going to take down Salem together and finally bring peace to the world.

(Y/n): " No ozma you were going to destroy the world even worse than Salem ever could you're no better than the grim or the villains goodbye.

You and misaka walk out leaving both of them alone and when they leave themselves and when you get back to your place a paper was left for you by serefall.

Dear (Y/n)

This treaty states that the devil, angels and fallen angels will not harm you in any way and if the Huntsman or heroes attempt to go after you we will be there to help you.

Sincerely Serefal Leviathan

You smile and sign it along with misaka. Then a small portal opens the papper is sent through.

(Y/n): " Union is finally crumbling now which is what the worry what Salem and all for one might do.

Misaka: " I wouldn't word too much about. As long as we're together they can't win.

You smile and kiss her on the cheek making her blush and you say your goodbyes as she went to her dorm. While you went upstairs and went to bed.

Train station of Academy city.

A tall woman wearing a white dress and white hat Appeared from the trained door with a woman with long hair and a black dress.

Bayonetta: " So this is where dunk taste little one is. Quite nice right Jeanne.

Jeanne: " I have to agree sirisa what do you think Zack.

A boy comes in wearing a black suit around 17 years old with 2 guns on his belt. He was wholly a pocket watch in his hand and adjusting his glasses.

Zack: "I agree i heard his girlfriend is one of the level 5 espers.

Zack  Was found by the 2 witches when he was a baby being sacrificed. But apparently he survived as a demon they were trying to summon killed his mother instead. Bayonetta became a mother to him and she eventually felt the same way considering Zach her son.

Bayonetta: " It should be a lot more peaceful here at least for a bit.

Zack: " Hopefully.

The three then walked to the nearest hotel to get a room ready to surprise you with their visit.

League of villains hide out

To say that all for one was angry was an understatement not only were his prize student locked up. But almost the entire league abandoned him because they were afraid of you.

All For One: "(Y/n) Redgrave i will kill you for ruining my plans.

Salem's fortress

Sandra was fuming Hazel had betrayed her sender was gone what's imprisoned all she had left was Emerald, Mercury, Adam and tyrian. But she was more furious on how you played her. But what scared her the most and made her shake and fear was the fact that her injuries didn't heal the moment you gave them to her. Which only told her how powerful you really were.

Salem: "(Y/n) You will feel my wrath. And i will make you suffer a 100 fold.

All For One/Salem: " This i swear.


Author Note: Finally the mystery person is identified to be the son of bayonetta and both all for one and Salem want your head. Will they succeed or were they fail. You'll have to wait and see.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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Union Academy X Male Reader Son Of DanteWhere stories live. Discover now