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Y/n read the note while at work. He worked at a elementary school as a kindergarten teacher.

It was nap time, so Y/n had some time to read.

Y/n decided to quickly scribble out a note back to Aomine.

Dear Aomine Daiki,

I'm glad you're moving on.

This will be a short letter, since I'm at work.

But, moving on doesn't mean you have to forget Satsuki. She can always be your best friend, even though she has passed away.

You don't have to stop loving and caring for her, just because she's gone.

Continue loving her, until you meet your end, and even then, continue loving her.

From a kindergarten teacher,

L/n Y/n


Aomine read the note, and smiled to himself.

"Keep loving her..." Aomine mumbled to himself.

He noticed the last part.

"He's a teacher? Cool."

Aomine started writing his letter back.

Dear L/n Y/n

Thank you for your kind words.

You work as a kindergarten teacher? That's nice. You must love kids and have enough patience.

I'm a police officer. And my friend is a firefighter.

If you're naughty, I'll cuff ya~

Aomine felt a bit stupid for writing that, and quickly scratched it out.

I like working in law, but I like basketball more. I played in middle school, highschool and college. It was worth it.

No one could defeat me, but my firefighter friend is my 'rival' I guess.

But only person who beat me, is me.

The Letters | Aomine Daiki x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now