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Y/n received another letter, so he started from the beginning and started reading each note one by one in order.


Y/n was sniffling gently.

"The notes are written from the heart. I'll ignore the bad grammar." Y/n rubbed his nose gently.

"Aomine Daiki... So you lost your best friend because you were late to a hangout. She took a taxi home, and she was in a fatal car crash... How horrible."

Y/n was starting to realize that a lot of stuff happen to people everyday that he doesn't know of.

On the last note, Y/n found an address, so he thought to write a note back.

Y/n got some paper and a pen.

Dear Aomine Daiki,

I'm the new person who lives at Satsuki's address. I read the notes.

I'm sorry if that angers you. They were probably personal, and I, a stranger, read them. But my curiosity got the better of me.

From what I read I don't believe Satsuki was the type of person to blame anyone, much less her best friend such as you.

No one could've known that she would be in a car accident.

It isn't your fault.

It's not Satsuki's,

Or the drivers.

It's no one's fault..

From the new guy,

L/n Y/n.

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