Chapter 6

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''Doctors live in a world of constant progress and forward motion. Stand still for a second, and you'll be left behind. But as hard as we try to move forward, as tempting as it is to never look back, the past always comes back to bite us in the ass. And as history shows us again and again, those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.'' 

- - - 

''I'm honestly not surprised, Alex.'' Jo took her finger and gently wiped her bottom lip before crossing her arms over her chest. 

''No, no, Jo! Listen, I don't know why -'' Alex didn't know why Izzie was there. They weren't together, she had no reason to follow him here. 

''It's fine. I'm just gonna go. This was a mistake.'' Jo held out her hand and headed for the door. She grasped the handle, pushed it down and pulled the door wide open. The bright light from the hospital hallway shone into her dark-adjusted eyes blinding her slightly. She had a feeling Alex would follow her, so she kept her head down and powered through the swarm of nurses, doctors and gurneys. As tempting as it was for her to never look back and move on for good, some part of her wondered if there was more to the story. Maybe Alex hadn't lied, instead maybe he just didn't know? There is always more to the story. Always.  

Jo kept her head down in an effort to conceal the few tears that were streaming down her face. The hospital is a very gossip-central place and Jo didn't need any rumours going around, with Alex being back and all. As a result of her head being down, she didn't notice the blonde supermodel-doctor walking down the corridor. Their bodies collided, a flicker of shock electrified Jo's heart causing it to beat a little faster than it should have been. Jo flung her eyes up to meet Izzie's, the height difference inserting an imbalance of power. Jo's heart didn't slow down, it almost doubled in pace causing her flight instincts to kick in. She immediately tried to dodge to the side and make a beeline for any room with a lock but she felt a hand around her forearm. Izzie pulled her to the side. 

''We haven't been properly introduced yet. Hi, I'm Izzie.'' Izzie held out her hand but Jo did not shake it. 

''I know who you are and you know who I am so let's skip the awkward we-both-married-the-same-guy smalltalk and get on with our days.'' 

''Okay, we can do that. But before we 'get on with our days' I wanna explain.'' Jo just nodded before Izzie continued. ''The face that you saw peak through the door... that was an accident. I didn't mean to look so shocked, or angry, or however you interpreted my face. I just didn't expect to see that, I just expected an empty room like the others I had checked moments before. I was expecting to see that, but not in that specific room. You get me?'' 

''So what are you trying to say.''

''I'm trying to say that Alex and I... we're just friends. I promise. To prove it to you, while I was at the airport, I gave a very attractive man my business card. He called me but I didn't answer. I'll call him back now and you can listen to me talk to him if you like.'' 

''I believe you, you don't have to do that. I'm not that paranoid.'' 

''Good, even though you have every reason to be. Alex... well we both know what's happened and that he can be a little un-trustworthy at times.''

''Yeah.'' Jo agreed. 

''So... friends?'' Izzie opened her arms out for a hug. Jo hesitated but then gave in and gently wrapped an arm around her.

''Friends.'' Jo agreed. At that exact moment, Alex walked over to them.

''Jo, can we talk?'' Alex asked completely ignoring Izzie. Jo looked at Izzie, then at Alex and nodded before walking off with him. 

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