Because of YOU !

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[ Part 1]

"None of this wouldn't happen if you were LISTENING TO ME!" Tears started to form in your eyes as you shout. Never in your life that you shout angrily like this.

He startled and start to tremble.

_ _ _

"I want the world to be the a place where heroes have more free time than they know what to do with." a big smile across on his face as he said to Endeavour

Anything for them...

_ _ _

When you were a kid,you always look up to hero. Hoping that you will be a hero someday,a hero that make this world become a more better place.

Peace, that's what you've always wanted

And also that's what you feel when you're with Keigo. Who would've guess that you ended dating a number 2 hero?

You still questioning yourself and chuckle everytime you thought about it. What a crazy life you've gotten into...

But that's what makes life become live. He fill your life with laughter and warmth and a little plus of chicken nuggets. That's him,Keigo Takami. He always do his best to keep you protected. Sometimes to be honest, he kind of get a little bit out of line. He push himself too hard even if you already told him to take a rest.

"A little bit rest won't hurt,Keigo," You said,rubbing your sleepy eyes so you could see him better.

Overworking himself until dawn and only get about 4 hours of sleep. In the morning,the bed always felt cold when you wake up. But he managed to keep a smile whenever he comes home.

But as you know,not everyone's perfect. Even the number 2 hero. From time to time,you both always argue but this time was different. Something odd must be happening because whenever he comes home,he always give you a kiss in the forehead.

But now he just ignore you and just go to bed. It seems like he's so.... distant...
What happened to him? This is not the Keigo i've ever knew.

He is so sweet,gentle,caring and he always put you first. Maybe he's just tired? Mind racing every second, every time and everyday,thinking about just that question. Just one question,

Does he still love me?

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