Taegook didn't share this thought. For him, his brother was full of hate for Mino and didn't give up so easily. But he respected Mino's choice. It was his life, he had no right to interfere in.

After this day, Taegook showed him taekwondo, and Mino was serious about that. He didn't want to be harassed by his brother anymore, so he practiced with a lot of diligence.

One Saturday evening, after dinner, both were in Taegook's room. He proposed Mino to watch a film together.

-choose what film you want he said.

Mino nodded and said:

-World warZ!!

And he sat in the bed. He moved the pillows when he found something under it, it was a scarf.

-what's this Taegookie? Is it yours?

Taegook looked at him with desperate eyes. Why didn't he hide this before, why?? How to explain it to Mino now??

He grabbed the scarf and laid with it on his face. He was very embarrassed.

-hey, don't be shy! I am sorry, I shouldn't have to ask, it's not my business.

-nonono...I will tell you... said Taegookie under the scarf.

He sat down and said:

-it's just... a scarf my father gave to me. When I was a little kid, I used to hug him and... I used to put my nose in his neck, to sniff him... it was the best smell I have ever smelt! And like this, I could feel his warmness, his soft skin... that was comforting me a lot, and I could sleep peacefully. But I couldn't be in his arm all the time, so one day, he gave it to me. It was soft like him, and smelt like him...

-and you need it still now??

-no... it's just a habit now...

Mino looked at him with a soft smile.

-I am sorry for asking you about it.

-don't, I feel comfortable with you, he said with a big smile.

Mino nodded and he started the film.

-what's movie is it?

-World warZ!

Taegook gulped. He hated zombies. It was the only thing he was afraid of. But Mino seemed so happy to watch this film... He decided to be brave and sat a bit closer to Mino.                                     A few minutes later, he grabbed Mino's arm and hid on his shoulder, his scarf on his head.

-hey, are you afraid? Why didn't you tell me, I would choose another one!

-no no, keep watching it, I am ok, said Taegook.

Mino stopped the film.

-no, you are not ok. You are shaking Taegook!!

-but you wanted so much to see this film!

-and I didn't know it would be scared you. you know, there are somethings I am afraid of. Like....

He thought for a moment and said:

-goblins ! they are so disgusting! And spiders! I hate them! So, we will watch another film.

What do you think about...The Lord of the rings?

Taegook removed the scarf and said:

-but there are goblins in it!

-yes, but you are with me, so it will be ok. And they are just disgusting me. I know you like it so let's go!

-you sure? It would be you turn to choose one... Taegook said, pouting.

-hey! Don't pout like that! I love this film too! I want you to have a good time with me, that's all...

Taegook nodded and they began to watch the movie. But it was an awfully long movie, so they felt asleep before the end of the movie, Taegook's head on Mino's shoulder.                          Suddenly, Taegook woke up. His heart bumped fast. He remembered his nightmare, with a lot of zombies. He shivered and woke up Mino, a little upset.

-Mino, wake up! Go to your bed!

Mino opened an eye. He rubbed his eyes and nodded.

-ok Taegookie. Have a good dream.

Taegook didn't answer. He tried to be reasonable. And closed his eyes. He heard something. Opened his eyes. He listened carefully but didn't hear anything. He closed his eyes again, grabbing his scarf. But opened again, hearing some scary noise. His heart was bumping so fast! He couldn't bear this anymore. He jumped out his bed and slowly came to Mino's room. He climbed the bed and laid beside Mino.

-what are you doing Taegookie? He heard.

-I am sorry... I heard some noise...I ... I am so afraid...

-I am sorry Taegookie, it is my fault. Come closer.

Taegookie didn't think too much and came closer to Mino quickly.

Mino moved to be on his back and put his arm under Taegookie's head.

-you can come closer and put your nose on my neck if it can help you to calm down.

In the night, Taegook blink twice. He gulped. But he was so frightened than he came quickly in Mino's neck. He moved to make him comfortable and took a deep breath. Finally, he had found a safe place... he softly sniffed Mino's neck. What a good smell...he rubbed his nose on the soft skin, while Mino hugged him tightly. They didn't say anything, each of them enjoying the moment. They slept peacefully until the tomorrow noon...

When Mino wake up in the noon, Taegookie was hugging him, his head on his chest, his leg on his. Mino smiled and moved a little bit to be more comfortable. Taegookie moved to his neck and sniffed him again. Then he woke up and move back quickly, shyly.

-it's ok Taegookie, don't worry. And if you need to come back again, there is no problem. Come as you want, ok?

-did I disturb your sleep? Asked Taegookie

-no, I slept like a baby!

They stood up and joined Taehyung and JK for lunch.

At night, Mino was in his bed, waiting for Taegook. It was late, but Taegook didn't come. Mino was disappointed because he was waiting for this moment all day. He thought that Taegook didn't dare to join him, he was so shy... So, Mino decided to go to him.

Taegook didn't sleep too. He wanted to go to Mino's arms, but struggled with himself. He thought it was too weird if he came again in Mino's bed. It would be too oblivious. But the last night in his arms was so good... he was thinking about this when he saw his door open. Then, he saw Mino joined him in his bed. He didn't know how to react. Should he say something? But what could he say to him? What? Mino told to him:

-you didn't come so I came! I slept so well the last night, so... are you ok? If you want, I can go if it's made you uncomfortable.

-nonono it's ok, you can stay.

They spend their second night like the last one, hugging each other.

Each of them could feel how strong were their feelings. However, they kept silence about it...

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