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It was morning now, and Ivy and I had already started preparing for our first Law class. We both excited, nervous but thrilled to finally get started on our futures.

The class went well, we both learnt a lot even in our first lesson. Our teacher, Mr Henderson was lovely. He was one of the kindest people I'd ever met. He would always help you, even if you felt like you didn't need it.

After class, Ivy headed off to her Further Mathematics class and I went to Sokovian class. I was happy as I was getting to see Wanda again, but also slightly anxious after last night's texts. I told her I was up late studying and she didn't actually reply. Whether she fell asleep or just chose to ignore me, I'm not sure. But I knew I would find out right about now.

I walked into the class and took my usual seat without taking my eyes off the ground, looking down. I sat and fiddled with my pens, not giving her any indication of how excited I was to see her. I didn't want her to think I was desperate and clingy.

I must have completely zoned out as I was brought back by my name being called out, of course by her.


"I-Uh, yes Miss?" I said, not having a clue what was happening.

"What's the answer?"

"To...wh-what was the question?"

She sighs at me and rolls her eyes. "Pay attention Y/N. Stay after class please". Those last four words already had my thighs clamping together. This could be a normal teacher-student conversation, but something in the back of my mind was telling me otherwise.

The class ended and they all dismissed themselves, meanwhile I remained sat in my chair across the room. She looked at me from her desk and just stared.

"Do you plan on coming over here so I can talk to you?" She asked, with an authoritative tone, already giving me chills.

I didn't say a word and just stood up and made my way to the front of her desk. She was one of those people that no matter what expression they had on their face, you could never tell what they were actually thinking.

"So...'studying' were you?"

I nodded my head, almost afraid to speak in case I said the wrong thing.

"Use your words, baby girl".

"Yes, me and Ivy were studying".

"Who the hell is Ivy?"

A light bulb basically appeared above my head. I could explain to Wanda the truth, she was just my best friend and roommate and that be it. Or, I could try and make her jealous by telling a little white lie. I'd tell her the truth eventually of course, but it would be interesting to see how she would react.

Fuck it.

"Ivy? Oh that's my friend. We're gonna be friends with benefits soon though. Yeah we'll hook up every so often, just for the sex, you know?" I said confidently, straightening my posture.

She immediately stood up from her desk and walked around it in front of me. She grabbed my chin and made me look up at her. She stared deeply into my eyes and was increasingly added pressure onto my face. I knew she would be jealous, but I thought why not take advantage of it?

"No one else gets to touch you, do you understand? You're mine".

I smirked, trying to take this as far as I can. "No, I don't really. We're not exclusive or anything so I why shouldn't I be able to have my own fun on the side?"

She released my face and instead grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled my head back and she's brushed her lips over mine.

"Because Baby Girl, I will be the only one who you who sees you naked and vulnerable. I will be the only one who'll make you scream". She gently kisses me and bites my bottom lip as she pulls away. "If you don't behave, I'll make sure you'll face the consequences. Got it?"

I had her right where I wanted her. Desperate and jealous, ready to pound me into tomorrow. With the adrenaline pulsing through me, I made one last little confidence move.

"Got it".

She releases my hair and suddenly my phone vibrates. I go to check my phone and read the message.

"That better not be who I think it is".

I just smirked and laughed quietly. I opened the message just to have the wind knocked out of me.

Mother: Me and your father need to speak to you. We're on our way to your dorm.

Wanda must have sensed the the panic on my face as she asked "Everything okay?"

"Yeah I-I-Uh I gotta go. Sorry" and rushed out of there back to my room, leaving her in the dark.

Had they found out about my feelings? Was this it?

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