Explanation and Consequences

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I reached the front of her desk and took a seat on the chair in front of it. It was only when I was this up close to her, I realised how hot she really was. Her smooth, ginger flowing hair looked so soft. Her emerald green eyes, looking like a forest I want to go exploring in. Her figure was dreamy. She had the perfect body, now I was understanding why the rest of the class were all boys. Clearly, they all think they have a shot with her. I mean, good for them for trying, but I highly doubt she's even single. And if she is, she won't be wasting her time on some young, dumb teenage boy.

I must have been staring a bit too hard as I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts. "Y/N?"

"Yes Miss? Sorry". I quickly replied, not wanting her to have any indication of what I was just thinking about.

"I asked you a question. Do you ever listen to adults? Please don't tell me I'm going to have to punish you on your first day".

I gulped at the world. Punish. I felt my thighs clamp themselves shut. I've never felt this way before. Especially over a woman. My whole life, my parents told me that this was wrong. Although, I never understood why.

"Oh I- C-could you repeat the question, Miss? I'm sorry, I'm just really not focused today".

"I said, what were you going to finish saying earlier, when you interrupted the class?"

"Oh...well...I just...I just didn't get much sleep last night. I overthink, panic and stress very easily and I was just worried about this class. I've heard it's very difficult". I said very quickly, feeling embarrassed about it. I knew anxiety was normal but I never liked talking about it.

"Ah, I see. Well I can assure you, Y/N" she stands up from her desk chair and makes her way towards me. She goes behind my chair but I keep my eyes forwards. I start to pick at the skin of my thumbs, nervous from this new-found desire I've gained. She gently places her hands over my shoulders and begins to slowly rub them. My professor is giving me a massage? What is happening?! "You and me will get along just fine". She moves her head next to my ear. "If you need help, just ask. We can even set up some private tutoring lessons, if you'd like?" She whispers. Her hot breath giving me visible goosebumps on my neck. I can hear the smirk in her voice.

"I-umm T-that would be great...Miss" I nodded, trying to stay calm. She walked from behind me to in front and leant against the desk with her hands gripped to the edge. I looked to the floor as I felt her eyes stare down at me.

"Excellent. We'll have an extra lesson together after each class. That way we can go over everything we've learnt that day. Oh and Y/N?"

I simply hummed in response.

"When someone is speaking to you, it's polite to make eye contact."

I slowly raise my eyes off the ground, taking in her figure as I get higher. Her cleavage staring right at me, as I stop to admire it for a good 3 seconds before reaching her perfect eyes again. She folds her arms to push up her boobs even more, clearly seeing that I had an interest in them. She smirked and I could feel the wetness start pooling underneath me. This woman was driving me crazy and she was literally just looking at me.

"There we go. Good girl." I slightly whimpered at the nickname, praying she didn't hear it when she probably did. She was a teacher, they hear everything. "Oh I forgot to mention, as you were late to my lesson today, you should be punished. However, since you've been a really good girl for me, I'll let you off this once."

"Thank you, Miss. I really appreciate it".

"Please, call me Wanda." She turns around to her desk and grabs a couple sheets of paper. She reaches her hand towards me with them. "These are some extra revision sheets from today's work, if you could get these to me by next lesson that would great. And who knows, maybe you'll even get a reward".

I bite my lip, trying to hold back any indication of my arousal to her. As I took the papers from her, our hands touched. Her skin was so soft and smooth, I could hold her all day. Quickly realising what was happening I took the papers and let go. "Thanks Mis-Wanda. I'll get these back you".

"Great, you're free to go. Y/N" I stood up from my seat and placed my bag over my shoulder. I walked towards the door and looked through the window on it as I closed it behind me. I saw her biting her lip and I wondered what she was thinking about.

Could it be me?

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