Part 42

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Tom: Don't worry, everything is going to be okay I promise you...
Y/n: How? Hey tell me how? What if-
Tom: Y/n. Listen don't tell anything before they come with results...
Y/n: Okay, how's Rose?
Tom: She is doing great, she is at my parents house...
Y/n: Okay, they know? About?
Tom: All of this? Yea I tell my mom, when I talked to her...
Y/n: And?
Tom: She was really worried about you, but I tell her that you're awake now...
Y/n: Okay then

* 4 hours later *

/ Tom's POV /
-Doctor came in the room with results in his hand I think, I just looked at Y/n, and then at him and ask him about results, when he looked at me, I start worrying about that baby isn't survived but when he smile at us, that smile tell me that baby is there, I just looking at him he is nodded his head and I looked at my love, my Y/n she have tears in her eyes, happy tears... I came to her hug and kissed her, and whispered that I love her, she smile at me and then Doctor said that he will leave us alone to talk, and that we can go home tomorrow morning, I nodded and said "Thank you" with smile on my face, then Doctor left -

/ Y/n's POV /
- When Tom told me that I'm pregnant I fell happy, really happy , but when he tells me that maybe baby isn't survived because of car accident I fell terrible like that's my fault, and I'm sure it is...4 hours later Doctor came in room with results in his hand, I just can't wait to hear what's going on with the my baby, I looked at Tom, he is just looking at Doctor, after that doctor just smiles and nodded his head, I felt like I'm the happiest person in the world, my baby's survived, I start to tear up, they were a happy tears, I said " Thank God" Tom came to me and hugged and kissed me, I smile at him, and Doctor said that we can go home tomorrow and then left, I'm so happy because of this, and happy because we can go home tomorrow, I missed my princess Rose -

Tom: Did you heard that darling?
Y/n: Yes!
* sat up and hugged Tom *
Tom: I love you Y/n, you know that...
Y/n: Yes, and I love you too Tom

* then he kissed you passionately *

Tom: Do you wanna to call Rose?
Y/n: Yes- no wait let's surprise her tomorrow, because doctor said that we can go home tomorrow at the morning
Tom: Yeah okay love, that's great
Y/n: I want cuddles!!
Tom: Come here love
* you two lay down in your bad and cuddling *
Y/n: So?
Tom: Yeah?
Y/n: Are you thinking about the gender of baby? Do you wanna be girl or boy?
Tom: Hm... I really don't know, maybe boy? You?
Y/n: Yeah, I want to be boy too, because you know, but maybe what do you think...maybe Rose want sister haha
Tom: Yeah that's maybe a true haha
Y/n: I'm tired
Tom: Yeah me too...
Y/n: Wha-

* Doctor entered the room *

Doctor: Good evening, I'm sorry but I have something to tell you Y/n...
Y/n: Yeah of course tell m-
Doctor: Can I speak with you alone?
Y/n: Yeah, but everything you have to say you can tell in front of Tom
Doctor: Yeah I know but, if it isn't a problem, maybe it's better to talk with you alone
Y/n: Yea bu-
Tom: No, it's okay I'll wait inside
Y/n: Okay * Tom left *

* Doctor sat oh chair in front of the bed *

Y/n: What do you wanna tell me?
Doctor: I just want to tell you that you have to be very very careful...
Y/n: What do you mean?
Doctor: Because of car accident, baby were had very very small chance to survive, that you lost the baby, you can't be mother again, so I just want to tell you that you should be very very careful
Y/n: W-what? Okay thank you doctor, when you get inside please tell Tom to get there
Doctor: Okay I will don't worry, bye now
Y/n; Bye

* he went inside *

Y/n: Oh my god
* starts to tear up *
Tom: * come in room *
- Hey love I'm- omg Y/n what happened
* he came to me and sat down *
Y/n: N-nothing I'm just tired good n-night
* you turned around and close you eyes *
Tom: Y/n! Tell me what's wrong...why are you crying
Y/n: * turned around to him *
- Doctor tell me that if I had lost this child, I could no longer be a mother and I have to be careful about it
Tom: W-what? Oh- I'm so so sorry my love and-
Y/n: It's my fault!
Tom: Y/n, don't say that...
Y/n: Yeah it is I can't drive anger, but no Y/n must do that!
Tom: Y/n... if we looked from that way, it's my fault...
Y/n: Wha-what?
Tom: Yeah, I made you mad and you drive mad because of me...and-
Y/n: Shh it's okay come here
< points at her bed >
Tom: * smile and lay next to her, and hugged you tight and kiss your forehead *
- I love you
Y/n: I love you too...
* fell asleep *

* next morning *

Tom: Good morning my darling
Y/n: Good morning love
Tom: Are you ready? We can go home now, just first we are going to pick Rose, at my parents house
Y/n: Yeah of course, come on

* you and Tom went to his parents house and knock on the door, and Rose opened them *

Rose: MAMAAA!! * she hug your leg *
Y/n: Come here my princess * you pick her up and hug her

* then Tom parents came *

H/m/n: Y/n! You are alright thank god
* she hugs you *
Y/n: Yeah, thank you so much for carrying
H/m/n: It's okay it's okay
Tom: Rose was okay?
H/d/n: Yeah of course, like always
Tom: Okay we are going home now
H/m/n and H/d/n: Okay, come again
Y/n: Of course yeah

* you and Tom and Rose went to the car *

Y/n: Tom...why didn't you tell them
Tom: About what?
*he act like he didn't know*
Y/n: About that I'm pregnant...

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