Part 20

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* At 18 *

Y/n: He will be here soon

Your dad: Okay sweetie

*you look at your mom confused and then she wink at you and you smile*

Your little sister: You look adorable sis

Y/n: Omg thank you so much

* someone rang on doorbell *

Y/n: Omg that's Tom, how do I look?

Your dad: Beautiful sweetheart

Your mom: You look amazing

Your little sister: ADORABLE!!!

Y/n: Thank you guys!

* you opened door *
- that was Tom ofc with your favorite flowers -

Tom: Hey

Y/n: Hey * you look at him with shine in your eyes *

Tom: You look adorable

* he kiss you at the cheek *

Your little sister: I said that too!!

Tom: Haha, I have one for you too
* he give one of flowers to your little sister *
-and the rest he gave you

Y/n: Thank you

Your little sister: AHHH thank youuu * she is 4 btw*  * she hugged him by the leg*

Tom: * he took her and hugged her* You welcome!
-*and then lowered her*

Your little sister: MOMM look Tom bought me a FLOWERRR

Your mom: That's so sweet

Tom: Good evening Mr. and Mrs. * your last name*

Your mom and dad: Good evening to you too, nice to meet you

Tom: Nice to meet you too

Y/n: Dad please put this in water * you give him flowers*

Your little sister: MINE TOOOO

Your dad: Haha okay, I will

Your dad and mom: Have fun!

Your little sister: Yeah have fun * she hugged Tom by the leg *

Tom: Haha thank you *he kiss her on forehead* and thank you Mr. and Mrs. * your last name *

Y/n: Yeah thank you guys bye

* you two talked, laughed, and than went to restaurant *

* at the restaurant, you talked, laughed and had fun *

Tom: Come on, let's go to one place

Y/n: Okay

* you two went to his car, and go to tHat place*

* you two went there *

* he took you there to the place where the initials are written on a paper balloon and let go into the sky, if you know what I mean *

Y/n: omg It's so beautiful

Tom: You like it?

* you wrote your initials on balloons *

* you wrote your initials on balloons *

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Tom: I love you Y/n...

Y/n: I love you too Tom...

Y/n: I love you too Tom

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- you and Tom -

* Tom drives you home, you and Tom are in a car btw*And then he kiss you *

Y/n: Sorry I have to go

Tom: I'll see you off

Y/n: okay thank you

Tom: I know we didn't make it official, so I wanted to ask you of you wanted to be my girlfriend?

In love with TomWhere stories live. Discover now