A New Start

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Evelyn couldn't believe it. They were finally getting out of the estate. To say she was excited would be mistaken. She was over the moon. For so long, she and the rest of the people she called family were trapped inside this sprawling house for all their lives, and now, they were finally able to leave. Although, she was kind of hesitant living with Shigure. He did tell her that Yuki would be living there as well, so that lifted a bit of dread off of her shoulders. With Yuki there, those two would try to keep Shigure in place.
"Although that's easier said than done," she murmured her thought out loud.
"So, the rumor is true."
Evelyn turned around to see Lea leaning standing in her doorway, her arms crossed and brow raised as she waited for an answer.
"Is what true?" Evelyn asked her as she didn't understand what Lea was referring to.
"That we're moving out of here and you can't live with us."
"How did you know that?"
Lea stepped inside her room and glided a finger across Evelyn's desk. "Word gets around fast when you have an Alana in the family. Also judging by the boxes surrounding your room."
Evelyn looked around at the brown boxes that surrounded her room as Lea gestured to them. She let out a hum as she walked over to her closet and grabbed a handful of empty hangers to place in another box. "That makes sense." She closed the box and sighed as she wiped her hands of imaginary dust. "And yes. I won't be going with you to the new house."
Lea sat down on the bed that was stripped of blankets and sheets. "Why the hell not?! You are a part of this family too!"
"Akito doesn't think so," Evelyn snapped slamming a box on the floor. "He said that I am an outsider and that I would probably taint the others. He said to Rory that in order to leave the house, I couldn't go with them."
"That's a load of bullshit!" Lea couldn't believe what she was hearing. Evelyn wasn't a part of their family? Lea loved Evelyn like a sister as well as the rest of them. She's not a freak. If anyone is a freak, it's Akito. Lea thought. Lea always despised Akito. He says that he loves them, but treats them the exact opposite. She sighed. "So where are you going to live?"
"Rory made arrangements for me to live at Shigure's place," answered Evelyn.
Lea cringed. The thought of Evelyn living with Shigure was a nightmare waiting to happen. She liked Shigure, but sometimes he could be a handful. After all, they knew about this from all the stories Daniel would tell them about their high school days.
Evelyn noticed Lea's face of unease. "Don't worry. Yuki will also be there, so I won't be totally alone. Besides, it'll be easier to handle Shigure."
Lea noticed Evelyn trying to reassure her, but she still felt bad about leaving Evelyn. At that moment, that's when she decided it. "Well then. If you're going to live with Shigure, then I'll go too."
Evelyn stopped what she was doing and turned to look at her friend. "What? You don't mean that-"
"Of course I do," Lea cut her off. She stood up and grabbed Evelyn's hands with her own and gave a gentle squeeze. "Evelyn, we've known each other ever since we were little. We practically grew up together. Wherever you go, I go."
Evelyn's eyes widened at her friend's statement. She felt a warmth bloom in her chest as she felt excited that her friend was gonna live with her. "Are you sure about this?"
"Of course."
Evelyn let out a laugh of excitement. "Well, it's settled. We'll talk to Rory."
"Don't worry, I already talked to him and he said it was fine."
Evelyn stared at her surprised but then realized it. "Wait. You were planning on telling me this anyway?"
Lea smirked. "What can I say? A lion can be sneaky, and I do have the lion spirit Leo."
The room filled with two girls laughter as they continued to pack up the room.
Later that day, Rory called for the other Elsher members to meet in his bedroom. Since there was no furniture in the room, everyone was spread apart. Everyone was talking amongst themselves while he waited for Victoria and Daniel to show up. After a few minutes, the two showed up and nodded at him to start.
He cleared his throat gaining everyone's attention. "Thank you guys for coming on such short notice. Now, I'm sure you may have heard the rumors...and they are true. We are leaving the Sohma Estate."
The others looked at each other in confusion or shock.
"I know you all are probably confused, but there is a reason. I have to admit that this place doesn't fit all of us. There isn't a lot of space that was given to us, and now that you all are getting older, you all need more space. So, I talked with Akito and he gave us the approval to move to a new place. It will still be nearby so you can visit the others here, but you all will have your own rooms and...well...a little more freedom."
The room erupted in a chorus of cheers. The boys all gave each other high-fives while the girls began to plan what their rooms would look like. A smile formed on Rory's face as he watched their excited faces light up the room. This was exactly what he wanted to happen. He wanted to give these kids a little bit of happiness.
"All right, we are leaving by the end of the week, so I suggest you get packing." Rory said as the others got up and left the room leaving the three adults.
Victoria walked towards Rory and patted him on the shoulder. "Well that went well."
"Yeah," replied Rory. "Yeah it did."
A soft, low chuckle sounded behind them. They turned to see Daniel with a small smile on his face.
"Daniel, you're smiling." Victoria observed.
"What's up with you?" Rory asked.
"Oh, well," Daniel started as he turned to look up towards the full moon. "I think that things are going to get interesting for us. Maybe a new start."
Rory and Victoria walked towards Daniel and they all stood together and watched the night sky together.
Yeah, Rory thought. A new start.

Hello everybody!!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. This is the last chapter of the...well beginning of this story before we move into season 1 of Fruits Basket which I am soooooo excited for. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask and I will try to answer them. I love you guys and I'll see you next Monday.

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