“I had no idea of the feelings between the two of you until she called me yesterday crying in hysterics because she didn’t want you to think she didn’t love you anymore. I swear to you I didn’t know.”

“Why did you pick her then? There are a million other girls.”

Abdullah shrugs.

“My mom loves her. She is sweet and kind. And I know her family well.”

Houssam sighed, and ran his fingers through his hair before slumping in his seat.

“She’s a great person for doing this.”

“She’s wonderful. I can’t tell you what it means to my mother. She isn’t all there anymore, they expect it to happen any day now. But when Hana comes and sits by her bed, for that half hour it’s like I have my Mom back.”

“Oh Abdullah.” Houssam said in a pained voice, and his friend shrugged.

“At first I felt guilty. I felt terrible for misleading her. But if this gives her a little bit of peace, then I can handle it for a while. I wouldn’t be able to handle if you hated me?” he asked questioningly, and Houssam shook his head.

“No of course not. I guess I’m just being insecure.”

“If you really love Hana, and you know she loves you, what is there to be insecure about? Why aren’t you together yet?”

“I don’t know honestly. It’s like one thing after the other keeps separating us. I keep overreacting to things, or there are misunderstandings, or other fiancée’s, or job offers. It hasn’t been a straight road for us, and I’m beginning to wonder if we are even meant to be.”

“Can I be honest Houssam?”

“Please do.”

“I don’t think you’re ready to get married.”

Houssam’s jaw dropped.

“What do you mean?”

“You say you keep overreacting to things?”


“Like what?”

“Like accusing her of ditching me for you, and not even letting her explain.”

Abdullah laughed.

“Why didn’t you listen to her?”

“Because I was scared of what she was going to say.” Houssam said uncomfortably, and Abdullah raised his hands.

“I think that’s it then. You aren’t ready to get married, and you don’t want to tell her that.”

“Are you sure?”

“No. I could be wrong. But it’s something you have to seriously think of, and talk about with Hana.”

Houssam nodded, suddenly feeling terrible that he was confiding his love drama with someone who’s Mom was dying, and he stood up.

“Thanks for talking to me bro. I’m sorry for taking up your time.”

Abdullah smiled.

“No problem. You’re like my little brother. Any time you need me I’m here InshaAllah.”

 "Please let us know if you or your dad need anything!”

“Barak Allahu Feek Houssam.”

Houssam smiled, and hugged his friend, before beginning to jog down the staircase back towards Amir and Yusra’s. Halfway there his phone rang, and he clicked on his Bluetooth.

Twice Upon Qadr - A Shot At Love **EDITING** Where stories live. Discover now