Don't be a fool for the city nights

Start from the beginning

Kaz kept his attention on the crowd. One can tell he wasn't amused by what Rotty was saying. "Fabrikator," Kaz said.

"Whatever," Rotty said. "The point is, either it was a group effort or a ghost."

Kaz finally faced Rotty. "Why does this concern me?"

Rotty looked around and whispered. "I've got a buyer lined up. Legit money. So, uh...if you hear a whisper..." He clicks his tongue.

Kaz leaned forward. "Who can hear a whisper here?" And limps away, climbing up the spiral stairs above.

He was Kaz Brekker, Dirtyhands, the bastard of the barrel. A thief, a liar, utterly without a conscious but he'll keep any deal he strikes. He enters his drawing room, and smiles at the Dekeppel he stole the one Rotty was talking about a few moments ago. As he entered his bedroom and takes off his gloves, he gazes into the mirror and turns around to check the open window. As he got back with washing his hands, he feels her presence in the room. "Hello, Inej. What information do you have for me tonight?"

The young Suli girl take off her mask, she was Inej Ghafa, the Wraith. The best spider in the barrel.

"A lead on a job. A big one. Enough money to change lives," she said.

"It doesn't take much to change someone's life in the Barrel." Kaz said.

"A million Kruge?" Inej asked.

That catches the the attention of Kaz. "What's the name?"

"Dreesen. A wealthy merchant," she said.

"Dreesen. I've heard of him. He could afford it." His brows shot up. "The question is, what's worth a million Kruge to him?"

"He's looking for a crew willing to cross the Fold into East Ravka and bring back something." Inej explained.

Kaz turned around and faced her. "The Fold? Well, of course, certain death pays a million. He didn't say what he wants nicked?"

"No," Inej mentioned. "But he's taking meeting tonight, staring at midnight."


She could see the bright city lights of Ketterdam from afar. They were brighter than any city lights she had ever seen before. Ketterdam was not only the capital of Kerch but it's commercial hub and one of the most congested city in the world. She knew that once she steps out of the ship, she'll have to embrace her new life as a stranger to the new world in front of her. But her job always demanded that from her and she had face it all; hunger, pain, loneliness, hopelessness and tragedies. When you're born royal people don't expect you to go through all these, but she wasn't just royal, she was a fighter and a weapon for her Empress. And she had waited almost half of her life for a mission like this.

Two of Dreesen men came to pick her up. And as she stepped out of the ship with her belongings, her maids and guards said their last goodbyes. She gently slipped her mask on and followed the two men towards the carriage. Her black cloak and black mask both has linings of gold, her mask was that of a jackal. She represented the animal cunning, intelligent, ability to adapt herself in any environment and even as gods in some religions. From her clothing to her mask and weapons were all Grisha made, so everything was as light as a feather and bulletproof.

✨ She's no angel, he's no saint ✨ Kaz✖️OC.Where stories live. Discover now