1 (Prologue)

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Loud Music steamed through Harry's headphones to overtone the booming bass coming from the other side of the wall. It had been the third time that his neighbour turned the music that loud this week and it was only Wednesday. Since they had moved in, Harry had to deal with drunk people in his backyard, listening to rock music and drinking until they passed out. In his garden.

He was living alone, his first own home, and he had to deal with annoying neighbours already. He ripped the headphones off of his head shutting his mac angrily.

Great. It wasn't enough that their guests vomited in Harry’s backyard, not only once or tried to get into the house when they were too drunk to figure out it was the wrong house. He was kind of a shy guy which was why he never went over and complained, but now it was enough.

Harry threw his phone onto the bed and slipped into his Chelsea boots.
Whoever lived there was the reason Harry couldn't sleep well anymore. And he got unbearable when he didn't get enough sleep.

There were not one, but two cars standing in the driveway. Harry stepped up the small step and held on in front of the door. It was vibrating, that's how loud the bass was. He stayed there a while eying the doorbell. Overthinking what to say.

Was it weird that he was nervous? Then he reached out, his finger just an inch above the button when the door opened and a man looked him straight into the eyes. "Who are you?"

"Uhm I- I'm Harry I live next door." He managed to say smiling shyly. "Hi, I'm Liam." He shook Harry's hand with a wide smile. "I was wondering if maybe you could turn the volume down a bit."

"Yes sure, sorry for my mate." He scratched the back of his head embarrassed. "He can be a bit stressful. Do you want to come in? Let me introduce you to the other lads."

"Actually I uhm- sure, okay why not." The hall was filled with unpacked boxes labelled as kitchen, living room, Louis and Liam. Harry followed the brown haired lad until he stopped in front of the door that was clearly the source of the music and knocked. "Louis turn off the music!" He shouted and a few seconds later the other side went silent. The door swung open, letting out a cloud of smoke that left Harry coughing. "Why?" A man who appeared in the doorframe asked.

His hair laid across his forehead, styled into a fringe, he had slightly facial hair, and a cigarette tugged between his thin lips. "Harry, Louis. Louis, Harry." Liam introduced them. Louis checked him with looks from his head to his toes biting his lip as he drew the cigarette and blew out a puff of arcid  smoke "Nice shoes." He said emotionless, staring with his blue eyes right into Harry's green ones, as if he was trying to intimidate him or something.

Well, it worked.


"Liam!" Another voice sounded from the other end of the hall. Harry broke the eye contact looking down at his feet. "Good, let's meet the others." Liam led him down the hall into what seemed to be the living room. Harry felt a little uncomfortable, still feeling Louis' eyes litteraly stabbing into his back, until he heard the door shut, loudly. Two other Lads were sitting on a couch that was placed in the corner of the room. The blonde one was called Niall, he seemed to be the one of the groups who stick them all together. Zayn, next to him was more like the quiet one, that could for sure tell you to fuck off if needed Harry figured out after he had a conversation with them, drinking a cup of tea Liam had offered.

All in one they seemed pretty nice and turned out to be only two years older than himself. "It was really nice to talk to you guys."

"It was nice to meet you H."

"Yeah make sure you come over some time." Niall shouted behind them, as Harry followed Liam down the hall. The music was still sounding through the thin wood of Louis' door as they passed it, but not as loud that Harry would hear it in his room. "Oh and, if you need something, don't be afraid to ask." Liam offered, staying in the doorframe. Harry just nodded, smiling nicely.

Even though it was evening the sun was burning. Way too hot for Harry's liking.

This is a official smut warning from now on. I won't be putting one at the start of each chap bc I thinking it's a spoiler in some way so, take this as the warning. If you're uncomfortable reading smut then I wouldn't recommend you to carry in reading.

But I think the caption said it already ahhahah

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