Tom Riddle X Reader - Happy

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(yes I know this very cheesy BUT I need this to get me through life so if you don't like it then the door is that way ↖️)

The afternoon classes seemed to drag on forever, and it was made considerably more boring since you didn't get to see Tom all day. However, it was now the end of it all for today, and you could finally enjoy the lovely evening: the sky was a deep midnight blue, with clusters of stars dotted around; the moon was a shining orb, illuminating Hogwarts in a ghostly yet beautiful way; snowflakes danced their way down onto the ground, settling neatly on the ground and creating a big blanket of fluffy, white snow that coated itself around every bit of Hogwarts.

You had just managed to get away from the last of your lessons, and were now heading towards the library to relax a little and read a book.

As you were arriving, you pushed open the doors to the library, and immediately went to the numerous shelves that were stacked with books, books and more books - it was love at first sight all over again, since the library never failed to make you in awe of the grandeur and sheer number of literature and information that it held.

You smiled to yourself, running your hand along the spines of the books in happiness, looking for anything interesting that you could read.

You found a book - Magical Creatures by Silvanus Kettleburn - that looked interesting and light enough to read on this particular winter evening, and so you slid it gently from out of its place and went to sit down on the comfortable sofa in front of the fireplace. Why was there a fireplace in library, where there was infinite fuel should it spiral out of control? You really didn't know, and to be honest, you didn't mind. Dumbledore probably had taken some kind of precaution that if that DID happen, the books would run away screaming for their papery lives.

You nestled into the sofa, the feeling of soft material rubbing pleasantly against your skin, and pillows surrounding you, making a cosy little nest.

You opened the book, flicking to the first page, and began to read, your eyes flitting from one paragraph to the next, already beginning to be absorbed in the story. You lolled on the sofa for a while longer, still reading the book, when you suddenly heard a sound coming from one of the aisles in the library. Normally, this wouldn't have been a problem, but since you were alone in the library, it did make you on high alert.

You were curious, since nobody else usually came down to the library in their free time, so you decided to investigate.

Regretfully, you got out of the pillow cocoon, and tiptoed down to the bookshelves again, trying to peer at the person (if, indeed, it even was a person) and see who it was.

You circled around the library a few times, since the person was obviously moving around the different aisles, until finally, you caught them. Not that they'd done anything bad of course, you were, quite simply, curious.

As you got closer and closer to the person, to try to figure out who they were discreetly under the pretence that you were looking for a book, you realised that the person was familiar. The dark, wavy hair was something that you had seen before, lots of times. And then it hit you.

You carried on tiptoeing, until you were right behind the person, who was seemingly engrossed in the book they were checking out. Then, you quietly wrapped your arms around them, pressing the side of your face against their back. You felt them stiffen, and then turn around to see who it was that had randomly hugged then for no apparent reason. You looked up at them, smiling.

"Hello, Tom,"

"Wha- oh, y/n," he chuckled, turning around and hugging you properly.

"I'm done with the library now, I've got all I need. Want to come up to my dorm with me?" You said nothing but nodded your head, keeping your head buried in his warm chest. He smiled, and picked you up, carrying you all the way to his dorm.

He was a prefect, so he had a larger dorm than the other students, and one of the many perks was that he had an actual fireplace in his room, making it very pleasant to fall asleep listening to the crackling noises of the flames.

Once you got there, he put you down gently, and went to sit on his four poster bed. He lay down, half sitting half laying down on the pillows, and patted the place next to him for you to lay down on. You obliged, and laid down next to him on the very edge of the bed. You waited a little bit, wanting to tease him, until Tom sighed, rolling his eyes, and pulled you into his side.

You laughed softly, and snuggled into him, placing your hand in his. He murmured something, and put his head on yours, stroking your hair with his free hand.

His scent comforted you: it was a mix between books, a smoky sort of smell, and cologne, and overall was very pleasant to take in.

Both of you stayed like that for a while, the evening getting darker and darker, listening to the crackles of the fireplace, until it started to rain heavily. You sighed, partly because now all of the snow would be gone, and partly with content. Tom lifted his head a little, silently asking why you sighed.

"It's okay, Tommy. Its a sigh of content. I'm alright," you answered sleepily. He put his head back, rubbing his cheek on your hair gently.

Until, suddenly, he got up, leaving you on the bed alone.

"Tommyyyy whatttt, where are you goinggggggg?" He said nothing, slipping out of the door like a shadow. You lay there, confused, for a little while. You nearly fell asleep, although you missed his presence.

Just as you were drifting off, you heard the door click open. You sat up immediately, rubbing your eyes and squinting at the person. It was Tom.
He was carefully shutting the door with his foot, as he was carrying mugs in both of his hands.

"Missed me?" he smirked, handing you one of the hot chocolates. You chuckled gently, accepting the mug, and nestling back into Tom's side, sipping the drink slowly and blowing away the steam. It was good hot chocolate too, with whipped cream, chocolate and marshmallows piled on the top. Tom obviously had very good taste in hot chocolate.

Once you had both finished the hot chocolates, he took the mug from you and placed both his and yours on the bedside table, and turned back to you, pulling you down with him so that you were laying flat on the bed together. He wrapped his arms around you, kissing your forehead gently.

You heard his heartbeat thud gently through his shirt, and you smiled into the material, also making him smile softly and start stroking your hair once again. Your breathing slowly got steadier, and before you knew it, you were fast asleep in Tom's warm embrace. The only thing you heard until sleep found its way to you was a quiet whisper:

"I love you."

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