Settling in

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The Doctor, Adam and Rose arrive back at the Tardis around twenty minutes later after the Dalek had destroyed itself leaving the blonde to feel slightly remorseful at the loss of its life. However that feeling quickly changed to surprised when she took notice of the two young children in the console room. Once the two also took notice of her prescence the girl quickly ran to hide behind the console while the boy moved to take a protective stance beside her, looking at Rose wearily. The Doctor takes notice of their reactions to his friend and goes over to quickly reassure them. "Hey, its alright this is my friend Rose. She won't hurt you" he tells them with a gentle smile as the girl slowly peaked round the console to look at Rose who gave her a warm, yet slightly confused, smile. "Rose why don't you show Adam around while i give these two a check up" suggests the Doctor. Rose nods slowly in response still feeling confused on who the children were but she did as he said and left the room with Adam following behind. "Now how about i give you both a check up" he offers them with a smile before he holds his hand out towards them. They both stare at his hand unsure for a minute before the girl gives him a small smile and places her hand in his. The Doctor smiles happily at this while she grabs her brothers hand and he leads them out of the console room to the med bay.

He leads them over to the medical bed where he lifts them up onto it one at a time before asking the Tardis "can you scan them for me darling". The Tardis does so then puts the results on the screen next to the bed for him to see when shes done. He looks over the information quickly not really suprised at what it says, malnourished, few cuts and bruises. Nothing that couldn't be fixed with time. Although what did worry him is how they would fair with settling in. He was worried about the state of their mental health and he only hoped they could grow to trust him.

"Hey" Rose greets from behind him with a smile as she entered the med bay giving a curious look towards the twins. "Hey" he greets back just as the Tardis begins to heal any and all wounds the twins had. "Who are these two?" Rose asks kindly whilest giving them a smile but all she receives in response is a blank stare from the boy and the girl snuggling into his side. "They are twins and apart of my species. Statten had them chained up as part of his collection" the Doctor explains with a slight narrow of his eyes when he thinks about Statten. "Whats your names darlings?" Rose asks them kindly but the Doctor answers her instead. "They don't remember their names, only a bit of the war and i don't know what else. They fell to the earth fifty years ago with the Dalek" he reveals to her before saying "as you can imagine they have been treated badly which infuriates me. On my planet Children were known as time tots and they were thought of as very precious to us. If anyone of them were hurt by other species you can be sure there would be consequences". "Well on the bright side at least you know your not the only one of your species now" points out Rose causing the Doctor to grin widely at that thought. "How about you give them names, it could be a symbol of the start of their new lives" suggests Rose as the girl moves away from her brother to look over at her curiously. "I like that idea" he agrees happily turning to look at them both and think over what name he thinks would best suit them. They stare up at him, their eyes filled with innocent curiosity as he runs through different names he liked in his head. However none of the names he thought of seemed to fit causing him to sigh and look to the side only for a pictuir to catch his eye. It was of a small constellation called Pyxis which gave him an idea. "I know" he smiled as he looked back at them "how would you like to be called Estelle meaning star in french and you can be called Pyxis meaning mariners compass". The twins looked at each other thoughtfully as they thought over the names before smiling and looking back up at him with a nod. "Those are very nice names" compliments Rose which gains her a shy smile from Estelle and a nod of thanks from Pyxis. "Now that thats sorted how about we get you into some clean clothes. Then we can let you design your bedroom" he offers cheerfully. Estelle instantly becomes excited and lifts her arms up, silently asking to be lifted up. The Doctor chuckles before doing as she asks and lifting her up into his arms. Once shes situated he offers his free hand to Pyxis, who takes it without any hesitation this time and they leave the room with Rose to head for the wadrobe. 

Both the childrens eyes widen at the sheer size of the wadrobe once they enter and see the hundreds of clothes on option. "We can pick from all of these?" Estelle speaks up for the first time in a while suprising the Doctor and Rose. Her voice was sweet and child like almost like wind chimes were ringing through the air. "Yeah you can choose from anything in here and wear whatever you want. If you have an idea of what you want to wear just think about it and the Tardis will find it for you" he explains to her happily as he places her back on the ground. Once her feet make contact with the floor, Estelle quickly runs towards the racks gaining a chuckle from Rose and the Doctor while her brother just shakes his head with a smile at her antics. "Im going to guess that your the older twin and its why you feel like you have to protect her all the time" the Doctor comments towards Pyxis as he kneels down to look him in the eye. Pyxis nods as a response before his eyes flicker to the side at his sisters squeal. She seemed to have found an outfit she liked and was quickly running off to one of the changing rooms to try it on. "You can relax here Pyxis. No one is going to hurt her here, either of you" the Doctor assures the young boy with a reassuring squeeze to his right shoulder. Pyxis searches the older time lords eyes for any hint of a lie but when he can't find any he smiles "ok". "Now why don't you go find some clothes for yourself" he suggests with a smile of his own before Pyxis leaves to do just that. "Do you think they will settle in ok?" Rose asks from beside him once he stands back up to his full height. "They just need time. Then im sure they will be fine" Doctor states confidently just in time for Estelle to appear with a grin wearing a short sleeved blue top with tin white stripes and a denim dungeree dress. "Well don't you look pretty" he compliments her happily as she swings from side to side bashfully. "I love it" she tells him before looking up and exclaiming "thank you Tardis". The Tardis hums in amusement watching the young time ladys reactions to her new outfit. Rose and the Doctor both laugh lightly at the young girls antics just as Pyxis reappears wearing his own new outfit. A grey hoodie with a black t-shirt, grey joggers and white runners.. "Very nice Pyxis" Rose compliments him this time as he looks over his sister with a smile. "Thank you" he tells Rose gratefully then tells his sister "you look very nice Stell". "Thank you Pyx" she replies with a grin and a hug that he returns instantly. "Alright next stop, your room" states the Doctor happily as he leads the three out of the wadrobe and deeper into the Tardis where an empty room sat across from Roses. "Would you like to have your own rooms or share one?" he asks the twins. "Share please" Estelle quickly answers while Pyxis nods in agreement gaining a chuckle from the Doctor. "Alright just pictuir what kind of room you want and the Tardis will take care of it" he instructs them. The twins look at the door curiously before tightly closing their eyes and concentrating really hard on what they wanted. "Alright you can open your eyes now" the Doctor tells them after a minute. They do so which lets them see the door in from of them had changed to a light grey colour with E+P on it in a light blue colour. Sharing a look between them, Pyxis reaches out and pulls down the door handle, letting the door swing open to showcase what was inside. Their eyes grew to the size of saucers as they look at the cozy room before them in surprise. The walls were painted a light grey with two single beds placed in the middle of the room with about a foot of space between them. One of the beds was white with purple covers and a teddy bear sitting against the pillows. The other was white with blue covers looking just as comfy and inviting as the first. A bookcase had also been placed on the wall between the two beds while a bean bag was on the floor underneath it. Over to the left of the beds against a wall sat a two person desk ready for anything the twins might use it for. Once they had both gotten over their shock they both beamed happily before running and jumping onto their seperate beds. Estelle squealed happily as she picked up the bear and snuggled it closely to her chest with a laugh. "So you like it then" states the Doctor with a grin as himself and Rose watched the happy pair from the doorway. "Love it" they both exclaimed joyfully before laughing once they realised they said the same thing. "Thats not all though" comments the Doctor before pointing up at their ceiling. Only instead of a plain ceiling being there, it held a mirror image of the bright twinkling stars in the galaxy. Their mouths dropped open in awe of this sight above them, not being able to take their eyes off it until Estelle let out a tired yawn and tried to rub the fatigue from her eyes. "Alright i think its time you got some sleep, lord knows the last time you got a good amount of that" he tells them earning a whine from Estelle. "But i wanted to explore" she tells him with an adorable pout. "You can explore later, theres no rush" he states with a chuckle as he pulls the covers up to snuggle her in before doing the same to Pyxis. "You promise" she asks him laying down in bed holding the teddy close to her. The Doctor smiles whilest giving the hand that was on top of the covers a squeeze "i promise". She happily smiles at him as her eyes begin to flutter closed and another yawn escapes her mouth. "Have a nice sleep you two" he wishes the twins before quietly leaving the room with Rose to let them get some well needed rest.

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