Their savior

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(Bold means talking in Gallifreyan)

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(Bold means talking in Gallifreyan)

"Something is happening" a young girl with bright blonde hair and deep blue eyes wearing a raggedy old dress observes as she listens to the loud panicked voices of people echoe from outside the door of the cell as they frantically run past. "Maybe the mean man found another artifact that interests him" a boy sitting beside her with the same bright blonde hair and deep blue eyes suggests with a shrug of his shoulders, causing his chains to rattle slightly from the movement. From their appearance, the children looked to be about eight years old however they were much older than that. "I dont think thats it. They sound scared" points out the girl with a shake of her head in denial. "Well then maybe one escaped" the young boy tries suggesting again. Although before she can reply to him they begin to hear the beeping of the keypad by their door causing their eyes to widen in fear of whats to come. Quickly does the boy move over to sit in front of the younger twin in a protective manner, not wanting her to get hurt anymore than they already had. He may have been weak and malnourished but he would do everything he could to protect his sister from the bad men. 

The door then slid open allowing three men in black uniforms to enter their room only for their eyes to widen at the sight of the two children in front of them. They quickly take notice of how the young boy glared hatefully at them as he blocked their view of the girl, who was holding tightly to the back of his shirt in fear, as much as she could. One of them slowly steps forward with his hands up to show them he meant no harm. "Its alright we are not going to hurt you. Theres a man upstairs that wants to see you, to help you" he tells them gently as he kneels down in front of them, waiting and watching for their reactions. The girl moves first by slowly peaking over the boys shoulder to look at him before looking to the side at her brother. "Maybe its one of our people" she tells him with hope in her voice at seeing one of their own again. "Its not possible. They died in the war" states her twin without taking his eyes off the man for even a second. "There could have been survivers. We fell to earth so we can't be sure there wasn't" is her argument whilest the man just looked confused between the two at the language they were using. Her brother looks thoughtful as he thinks over what she said before hesitantly showing his chained wrists to the man. Understanding what he means, the guard quickly grabs a ring of keys from his belt and uses it to unlock his handcuffs. Next he turns to the girl and gently holds his hand out towards her as an offer to unlock hers too. She looks to her brother for reassurance and once she receives a nod from him she places her small hands in the mans much larger ones so he could unlock her own cuffs. Once they are off the guard gives them a small smile before explaining "you two look like you might be too weak to walk so if you let us we will carry you upstairs". Once he receives a hesitant nod from both children, he gestures one of the other guards in the room over with his head. The second guard carefully lifts the boy up into his arms while the first guard gingerly lifts up the girl. With both of them situated they quickly leave the room and make their way back upstairs as swiftly as they could to the room where Mr Van Statten was with the other alien, trying to formulate a plan to stop the metal creature.

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