Diomedes Vs Ares and Troy

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Enter Diomedes -
Achilles, Odessys and Ajax left with their men and those Amazons, Achilles chose to marry an Amazon, these Savage Women from The Black Sea I heard even fought Hercules, and now my time came, The Gods must be thanked and I thanked Ares and next day I came with an idea but Trojans attacked us once more Paris and Trojans have to learn you don't steal another man's wife like Wretched Trojan Whore of a Prince Paris did

Achilles is right he was right that day and Ares came by wreaking havoc with Aprodiete and Other Gods Demos, Phobos, Eros and Harmonia and I called The God Of War out and I yelled the following words

" O God Of War Ares off all the gods we worship you the most and give the most devotion towards and after all that do for your glory you switched sides for those Trojans who don't even worship you " and Ares yelled

" Spartan Soldier Diomedes you of all should know Goddess Aprodiete commanded me to fight for The Trojan Side and that she must protect her devotee Prince Paris Of Troy and so shall I defend him today " and I drew my sword and called him out killing 3 men on my way

" WELL THAN BY BLOODSHED DO WE KNOWN WHO WINS MEN OR GOD " and Ares smiled calling his weapon and coming closer and the fighting stopped and he came forward and I ran as he ran yelling and screaming and I used my spear and its metallic edge to take him out and he screamed so badly that Greeks too shed tears and as he fall off and I punched him down repeatedly striking at him and making him shed Immortal Blood of his and he yelled and ran off and away and Trojans sent their Guards after me and I yelled

" WE DEFEATED THE GOD OF WAR AND HIS CHILDREN, WE MADE A GOD BLEED, ITS TIME TO MAKE TROY OURS " and Spartans yelled and attacked charging down Trojan Guards and killing as many as possible and finally we met out goal and Troy's guards defeated and gone and battle won. 

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