Chapter 12

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That day, everyone goes to the Ridgeway to talk to the headmaster, and at first Sam comes in to talk.

Pov Sam

I'm supposed to go in and start a conversation, he's a little stressed but I have to do this for him.

-Hello, sir. Says Sam, entering the Headmaster's office.

-Hello, Sam, why did you come here and why were you not at school yesterday? Asks the school principal

-I was away because I had to deal with a very important matter, and I'm here to tell you that a few people really want to talk to you seriously. Sam answers

-Let them come in well. Says Director speaking

-You can come in. Says Sam

(Enter Freddie, Frank, and Marissa.

-Freddie, is this where you live? It's great to see you, but you've changed, what has happened to you? He asks the surprised Director

-Hello, you are also good to see, Freddie tells his story and introduces Frank.

-It is really scary, but I know how to help you, you will pass the appropriate exams and you will be able to study with Sam, but you will have a one-on-one course so that you can better learn what you missed and manage the company. The director proposes

-Thank you very much. Says Marissa

Pov Carly

I'm just texting Sam asking how their call went, but all the time someone is bothering me asking about my new phone, now it's Wendy.

-Hi, Carly, what's a nice phone? Asks Wendy

-I bought it on a trip. Carly replies

-And what company is he from? Curious Wendy asks

-Benson's. Carly answers by showing the phone.

-Impossible show him (Carly gives her the phone) Wow is perfect, I've been dreaming about it since I saw it on the Internet, unfortunately you can't buy it from us. Wendy sad replies

-Don't be sad, it will be available with us in a few days. Carly replies smiling

-How do you know? He asks Wendy

-Because I know the founders of Benson's and they are in Seattle. Says Carly

-Really? Maybe I can pick up the one who is our age. Wendy says smiling

-Don't do it, he's dating Sam. Carly warns her

-Does he have a boyfriend? But she had been broken lately, how had she snatched it away so quickly? Wendy asks, surprised

-Believe me, it didn't take long, but turn around and you can meet the owners." I said when I saw everyone leaving the Headmaster's room and walking towards me.

-Why do you seem familiar to me? She asks Wendy Freddie

-You don't recognize me, Wendy? It's me Freddie. Freddie replies

-It's you, but you're dead. Wendy, shocked, says

-It's alive and well, as you can see. Freddie replies

-You are the founder of Benson's? Asks Wendy

-Yes, me along with Frank. Freddie replies, pointing to Frank

-I did not expect it, but your products are really great, have you heard that because of you Pear has serious financial problems? Asks Wendy,

-hey feel very good for my hurt." Frank answers

-I do not understand? Says Wendy

-Wendy, we'll explain later, and now please watch Icarly on Friday. Says Freddie

-Okay, of course I'll watch, and when are you opening your shop here? He asks Wendy.

- Tomorrow is the grand opening of the store, so far it does not look very good, but from the next week we are launching our factories here and in Detroit and after their launch, we will renovate the premises, we will refurbish it by dividing it into sections so that the store can be kept open. Explains Freddie.

- In my opinion it does not look bad, of course compared to what you have in Montpellier it is bad, but compared to other stores it still looks good. Says Sam

- Yes, but if our headquarters is to be here, this store must be the best. Freddie replies

- So you're moving your headquarters to Seattle? Curious Wendy asks

-Yes, our headquarters are here from tomorrow. Freddie replies

-That's great, I will definitely visit this store. Wendy says as she walks away.

- We cordially invite you. Says Frank

-This is Freddie, do you want to be our technical producer again? Asks Carly

-Yes, I hope you let me? Says Freddie

-Sure, we already wanted to ask you to do this, but why did you ask Wendy to watch? She asks Carly

-Bo plans to do something at the show. Freddie replies

-What??Sam asks

-You'll see at the show. Freddie replies

Pov Carly

Freddie wants to go back to Icarly. I thought we would have to beg him for it and it turned out that he was asking for it himself. I wonder what he wants to do at the next show. Hope it will be something really good.

A/N Hi. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy it. This is the penultimate chapter. If you like it, please comment and stars. If you have any story ideas, I would be grateful if you share them. greetings

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