Chapter 7

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Pov Carly

The 4th anniversary of Freddie's disappearance is approaching (in a month) and Sam walks depressed for 4 years, but this month she did not want to come to me, and when she did she either didn't say anything, or ran away to the studio and cried, even refused to eat. Sam Puckett refused to eat !! What happened to her? I need to know.

Narator pov

One day Sam ran into the studio again and locked herself, so Carly decided to talk to her, She opened the door with a spare key and asked Spencer to lock the door behind her, leaving the key in it so that Sam couldn't open it and block the elevator for what he did. Carly she went to Sam.

-Sam? Says Carly, sitting down next to Sam

-Leave me alone. Sam responds by crying

-What bothers you? Carly asked, concerned

-Nothing, I don't want to talk about it. Sam replies without even looking at Carly

-Sam, you know that you can tell me anything, for sure I won't laugh at you or talk to anyone, so please tell me. Carly begs

-I'm fine. Sam answers

-I don't believe you, you don't even want to eat lately, it doesn't look like you, please admit what happened to you? Tries to convince her Carly

-Okay, let me tell you. You know what's in a month? Sam asks

-Yes, 4th anniversary of Freddie's disappearance. Carly replies

-I am also consoling myself every year that up to three times art. Says Sam

-I do not understand. Says Carly

-I am glad that he will come back to us within 3 years, and it is already 4 years. Explains Sam

-But Sam, he's dead. Carly says sadly

-I know, but I still don't believe it, I wish he would come back. Sam answers

-Everyone would like it, but why do you care so much?" Asks Carly

-Because he left because of me and ... Sam answers, but pauses, hesitating to tell the truth

-And what? Asks Carly

-Okay, I love him. Sam answers

-You fell in love with Freddie? Carly asked, surprised

-Yes, I have loved him for a long time, but I was afraid of it, and I wanted to get his attention so that he would stop thinking only about you, but also start thinking about me." Explains Sam

-And that's why you harassed him? Asks Carly

-Yes. Sam answers

-I understand why you are tormenting, I am also tormented that it is my fault, because I refused him so many times without even giving him a chance and now I think that I should at least give him a chance before making a decision. Carly sadly replies

-Carly isn't your fault, it's all my fault, and it makes me feel suicidal more and more. Says Sam

-No Sam, please don't do this. Carly pleads with her

-Freddie killed himself because of me, so I should be dead too. Sam answers

-Sam, please don't do this, think about me, about your best friend. Carly begs

-I think that and only this and the hope that he will come back keeps me alive. Sam answers

-I know you feel terrible, but you shouldn't do that, I'm sure Freddie wouldn't want you dead either." Carly tries to dissuade Sam from killing herself

-That was his greatest dream. Sam answers

-No, he wasn't, he helped you as much as he could, don't you remember how many times he lent you money? Asks Carly

-I always threatened him so he did it out of fear." Sam answers

-Yes, I'll say what I promised him I would never tell you. Carly starts

-What do you mean? Curious Sam asks

-Do you remember Missy? Asks Carly

-Yes, I remember that ginger monkey, but what does she have to do with it? She asks a confused Sam

-It's thanks to Freddie that she went on this cruise. Carly replies

-But she won it? What could he have to do with it? He asks Sam

-No, he won, she didn't even volunteer for it, but when you asked him for help, he came up with a way to get rid of her. Carly explains

- Did he give this voyage to Missy? Sam asks
Carly replies

-I do not believe you. Says Sam

-Yes, ask Wendy because she told me about it and Freddie admitted that he did it for you. Says Carly

-But why would he be so devoted to me? Sam asks, wiping away her tears

-Because you asked for it, and he wanted to help you. Carly replies

-I wasn't expecting this, thanks for the interview, it really helped me. Sam answers

-So you stop thinking about it? Carly asks

- I'll try, but I have one more question for you. Says Sam

-What? She asks Carly

-Melanie invites you, me, Spencer and Gibby to her place, she says it's very important and we should come as soon as possible because it's a matter of urgency. Sam replies

-But what's the matter? Asks Carly

-She said she promised not to tell us. Sam answers

-And when did she invite us? Asks Carly

-A few months ago, but I'm calling every day and begging us to come over. Sam answers

-Okay, write for her that we will come over the weekend. Carly replies

-I write her well. And thanks for talking to me, she really helped me. Sam says smiling

-You're welcome, now come on we need to convince Spencer and Gibbie to leave and get everyone a ticket. Says Carly

- Here we go. That's right Sam

Sam and Carly convince Spencer and Gibby to leave, which is difficult, because neither of them wants to drive so suddenly, but Carly begs them to do it for Sam, saying that it might only help her, because it might make her break for a while from problems and after these words they agree.

A/N Hello, thanks for reading, hope you enjoy it. Sorry for not updating but I have a lot of work and rarely have time to update. Stay tuned for more chapters, they'll be interesting, I promise. Regards and sorry for the mistakes

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