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Female Lead's Pov•

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Female Lead's Pov•

Entering the Hotel Lobby, peoples were to be seen_some family , some couples.
I looked around to find Minhae, but she was nowhere to be seen, as I was trying to find her, I suddenly hear a high pitch voice, turning my head to the Direction where the sound came from, giving me the sight of Minhae. She was wearing a black dress. Making my way towards her, I wished her Happy Birthday as well as Lily. "Happy birthday, Minhae Aunty!" Giving a cheek kiss to Lily, Minhae hugged me.
Settling down on the brown coloured sofa, I looked around. It was giving a good window scene as where we were sitting on, A big window_not only us where sitting there so many people but it wasn't like a crowd, it was peace sound, just some giggling and laughing.
Suddenly Minhae phone ringed, a blush appeared on her, She mouthed "it's Robert" I smiled at her, to go and talk in private with her fiance.

It was around 6pm, darkness was consuming the sky. I looked at Lily who was happy, as it has been while since we have comes for dinner, As it was Minhae's Birthday. So I take Lily with me, not that she wasn't invited.
"Lily, you want to eat something?" Asking Lily, she quickly nodded with her answer, a red velvet cake.

"Excuse me!" I uttered loudly so that the waiter could hear me. Coming to our direction with notepad in his hand he asked our order "a red velvet cake and 3 Orange juice-" I was cutted of by my little sister_with a poke on my arm, I looked over her, she mouthed shyly; "chocolate milk shake" I heartly laughed at her adorableness. "Two orange juice and one Chocolate milk shake" I gave the waiter a smile, as bowed and left.

After what happened yesterday, i just wanted to refresh my mind, coming here was quite worth it.

A delightful smile dancing on my cherry red lips in happiness_not being aware of the eyes which was looking at her with so much intensity held in that eyes.


Male Lead's Pov•

Sitting in my luxuries car, I was staring at her, with a electronic cigarette in my hand, vaping it over and over again.
Hairs flowing from wind which was coming from the lobby Window, making her more beautiful. But today she was looking more beautiful, with that Red silk dress wrapped around her body, her dark red lips, which was showing a beautiful smile.

She was looking so ethereal, enchantress, exquisite_ just say in a simple word.

So fucking beautiful!

But was she aware of my presence, no! She don't give a damn about me, like others do. I just can't take my off her, I was witnessing the whole scene, how she was smiling to the waiter,
she has never smiled to me like that!

I just have to wait then she will just smile for me and only me! She have to realize that Kim Taehyung can get anything, and she, she is desired by him, not from his mind but by his heart too. And he will get her at any costs_he will!

"Raymond, go get the most expensive flower from that flower shop!" I uttered at one of my bodyguard," yes sir!" He rasped like army man, get down from the car to get flowers.

After good 10minutes, he arrived with a red rose bouquet in his hand, taking it from him, I wrote what I wanted to on the golden script. "Don't tell her that I have sended this" I said blowing the cigarette in my hand.

I want to see her reaction!
I want to see the fear on her face, which everyone have for me, but she, she isn't afraid of me, I want her get feared by me, so she will realize, who she fcking belong to!
The day she will be mine, I will tell the whole world that Ariel Johnson is mine!.

I have even bought the house where me and Ariel will live, and I will give the tour of the house with my hands wrapped around waist, but will she accept me?

Yes! She will accept me as I will be her husband, and if not then I will make her!


Female Lead's Pov•

"The cake was so delicious, isn't it?" Minhae uttered while wiping her mouth with the tissue paper, I hummed as looked over Lily who was busy in her chocolate Milkshake.

"Miss!" I turned my head to left to see a well built man standing with a bouquet in his hand, it was red roses_
"Yes." I crimaced what to know what he want. "These are for you, Miss" he answered, I don't know why,but somehow I have seen this man somewhere, with his clothing he was looking like a spy, black suit and a black shade on his eyes. Taking the flower from his hands I admired the beautiful roses, there was script too,

The first thing I want to say is-
You're looking very ravishing,
with this red silk dress, you're looking
Nothing but a complete goddess,
Only I know,
How much I want to take that Red lips
Of your with mine!

But one thing,
I didn't liked,
The way you gave that enchanting smile,
To a mere waiter!
I didn't liked it a bit!

You didn't even noticed me,
It hurted here,
my heart_
Which belongs to you now...

But don't think I forgot
For what you did,
You will be heavily punished!
I promise,
My love, my flower and
After seeing you in this red dress,
You have seduced me to no limits!
You will be punished for this too,
My elfin seductress!

If I will say I'm scared, than that would be an understatement, I'm terrified, I looked at man, who have given me this, running to him "wait!" He turned around "who have sended these?!" My voice rosing in fear, in question, who have sended these?...

"Miss, he's there, he loves you a lot".
He replied while pointing on a car, a black SUV, I couldn't emphasize the person in the car, the windows were tinted in black, making it more worse as its night.
Before I could make a step the car drove away.

Walking back, to our seat, I see Lily's eyes closed, layed back on the sofa, she is asleep.
"Minhae, could please book a cab for me till I pay the bills?"
Sitting in the cab, Lily's head on my lap, I was still in daze, there is a fear which had taken place in my heart, I don't feel safe anymore.
First Kim Taehyung, and now who's that mysterious person who have sended me those flowers?

My thoughts came to stop when the cab stopped, looking out of the window it was our house, giving money to the driver, I got down with Lily in my arms, asleep_


Here's the update guys, and thank you so much😚 I have just noticed That, this Serie have reached 2k, I just can't explain my happiness through words.😀👉👈
So much Jhappis and pappis from me to you, lovelies 💜✨
And stay safe☺️

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