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Present day

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Present day...

I'll never get used to people coming up to ask Miles for an autograph. We're shopping for clothes because all of mine are far too small now, and if I don't get something baggy, I will scream.

Being pregnant is uncomfortable enough, let alone having everything dig into your skin. I pull some baggy pants off the rack while he poses for a picture with two teenage fans. Then he signs something else for them.

Miles is quite the local celebrity.

Not that I'm surprised. His career has done Folywater proud. The guy is crazy talented.
I prerecorded his game because of work stopping me from watching it in real time, and he absolutely tore the pitch up.

It's an aggressive sport. I definitely closed my eyes more than once, but luckily Miles is so fast he can tear through the others without them even noticing.

It's the second to last game of the Premiership rugby season and hopes are high for Leicester Tigers to win. They play Exeter Chiefs on the Friday and as a surprise for Miles, I booked it off work.

I even bought a rugby shirt with his number stitched on the back and one of those foam hand things! But, the part I'm most excited about is the two little onesies I bought for him. A random purchase, but a cute one.

I pick up a night dress from the maternity section, thinking it looks something you would wear to get pregnant. I'm studying it so hard I don't see Miles approach, or his arms wrapping around my middle.

"Now, that's maternity wear," he whispers, kissing the side of my face.

I smile holding the black silk garment in front of me. "I was thinking this is sexier than your old t-shirt."

"Hmm," he says, cupping my stomach protectively. "Both are sexy to me."

I smile. "Oh, really?"

He nods, scrunching his nose up before kissing my lips. "You're fucking beautiful in everything. Did you see anything else you wanted? My treat. I want you to be comfortable."

Letting him lead me away, I can't seem to hide the emotions hitting me. My eyes are full to the brim with tears, Miles noticing as soon as he turns to show me some maternity jeans.

"Hey, hey," he says, putting the jeans back, dragging me into his arms. "Oh, baby, what happened? Are you feeling okay?"

"Yes." I sniff, coughing through a sob. "I'm sorry. This is all getting a bit much for me."

He looks in physical pain when he pulls me into his arms, walking us towards the back end of the shop for some privacy.

"Hey," he whispers, stroking the tears from my cheek. "Talk to me."

"My life is so different now. I'm just—" I break off desperate to get hold of myself. "I'm just looking at all of these clothes thinking in four months time it isn't only going to be me, you know?"

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