Chapter 2: Emotions Intensify

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"Don't Worry. I won't hurt you. There's no need to hide." A voice called from below. Cautiously, Skye ascended from the Tree, standing right in front of another pup. A brunet.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"I'm Skye."

"Skye? That's a cute name. I'm Chase. So, are you lost or something?"

"Not really. I just, ran away from-" her voice cracked, followed my the dripping of tears.

"Hey, it's okay, don't cry." He said, gently wrapping his paw around her. "Lets go to the lookout first. I'll talk to you there."

"Okay. Thanks." She replied, with a forced smile. She was almost destroyed on the inside.

Eventually, they made it to the lookout. Everyone had slept, but Chase was still awake at the time because he was talking his nightly round.

They went inside, turned on the light, and got a treat to munch on.

"So, what happened, may I ask?"

"They...died." The sound of thunder broke the silence, and the heaven showered the earth with rain, as if crying itself.

"'They' as in, you're parents?" Chase asked. He was replied with a nod, and soon, tears. Chase could empathize. The feeling of being left alone all of a sudden, is, simply put, horrifying.

"I-I'm sorry."

"Don't be. But, its all gone now. Where will I go? Life will probably never be the same again..."

Chase moved closer to her, wrapped around her, and said "I know it will never be the same, but I promise, as long as I am alive, I am never gonna let you feel alone."

"Thanks Chase."


They looked each other in the eye.


They brought their faces closer and closer until-


"GAH!" She bounced up, hitting her head on the roof of the pup house.

"You okay Skye?"

"Kind of." She looked up and was rather happy to see her best friend in front of her.

"Aye Everest!" She hugged her. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh me? I just came to give my Lil sis a visit." The Husky smiled.

"What time is it?"

"Oh, it's 4 P.M."

"WHAT?" Skye exclaimed, realizing that she had been asleep almost half of the day.

"Also, why were you sleeping in Chase's pup house?"

" reason?" She nervously giggled.

"Oh well. I'm heading inside. Come in if you want." Everest said, making her way to the lookout. Skye followed close behind, but her mind was, somewhere else indeed

"Why did I feel that again? That was many years ago."

It had been years since the incident, and years since she ever remembered it. But that moment wasn't in her head because of what happened to her family, she was long past grieving for them. The ending was what gave her the most chills.

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