Chapter 41: Beach Brawl

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"I'm serious about her joining us, or at least giving her the option to," Ujuu rapped his fingers against the table. "If she knew what was happening, she wouldn't ever be taken by surprise if things did go wrong. I'd rather have Zaruna as a teammate than a damsel in distress we'd have to save..."

Ujuu reached a hand across the table towards his brother. "Zaruna would be upset if we kept her out of the loop. You and I both know how much it sucks to be an outsider, why turn around and do that to her?"

Rhys mulled over his brother's words before clasping onto his brother's palm. "You're right, igo no fratello. Zaruna is trustworthy."

"Let's invite her to the beach with us," Moiya suggested in a hushed voice.

"We'll fill her in on everything," Soraya added while giving Rhys' hand a gentle squeeze. "The more, the merrier."

Jacquelle pouted, folding her arms over her chest. "Fine, I guess..."

* * *

The night sky was filled with fog, the moon obscured by large, billowing clouds overhead. The sand beneath Soraya's toes was cold, and the ocean waves crashing onto the shore were taller and louder than normal.

Jonathan Marlot had turned into a shadow and circled the perimeter of the beach to make sure they were completely alone. Both he and Soraya couldn't risk being caught using their demonic powers or else MagiCorp, Azakua, and every other country within Etheria would be after them.

Although Soraya was waiting for him to return with an all clear before fusing with Zaruna, she and her friends had explained the situation to her.

Despite Soraya's story sounding absurd, even to herself at times, the Rosinkin girl remained calm and serious, treating the information presented to her as facts.

"So, you ah perhaps both an angel and demon?" Zaruna queried, studying Soraya over with her tourmaline gems.

"I could be, but I'm not entirely sure."

Jon's dark silhouetted form rose from the ground before them, his blood-red sunglasses glowing despite the lack of light.

"Not another soul in sight, but I have a request for you, Soraya," he pointed at her left eye. "Use your spell to make sure there aren't any demons lurking nearby. I didn't detect anything, but we can't be too careful right now."

"Will do," Soraya took a deep breath in. "Telpathia."

The vision in her left eye turned pitch black, just like the previous times. She could see Jonathan's multicolored soul along with Rhys and Ujuu's flaming red orbs, Jacquelle's dark blue one, and Moiya's emerald green sphere.

"It's just us," Soraya reported. "But I can't see Zaruna's soul for some reason."

"Interesting..." Jon and Rhys murmured in unison. They glanced at each other, the Casmerahn boy frowning while Marlot looked entertained.

"Maybe, it's because you haven't fused with Zaruna yet?" offered Moiya, her hand on her chin. "It's the only reason I can think of."

"That makes sense, since your fusions don't seem to be perfect," Rhys joined in. "All of us have shared abilities because of you, so perhaps part of your soul is now inside each of us?"

A horrid thought hit Soraya like a ton of bricks. "Doesn't that mean Mülock can see you all too?"

Everyone's faces fell except for Jon, who chuckled.

"If Mülock could see your friends, he would've already attacked them," Jon circled Soraya, his eyes hidden behind his sunglasses. "I think you're tapping into a holier power with your fusions, they are nothing like mine..."

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