🦋21.You're so annoying🦋

Start from the beginning

"Well what's the point if I can't be with everyone that I love." I turn and face him and he wipe a tear from my eye that I didn't even know was there.

"Alright I get it, we won't do anything." He kisses my forehead and I sit back in my seat. I seriously don't want to hear them tell me happy birthday...or I'll simply kill them.

~Time Skip~

Same Bar, Same thing. My brother screaming, A blonde girl holding him down while giving me a sad look, those golden eyes with the blurry face forcing his wrist into my mouth, and the white haired women screaming for him to stop. He's still talking to me but, I can't hear him except for 7 words.

"Please Nik, don't do this to me!" I cry out.

"I'm sorry, but I can't lose you." He snaps my neck and I allow the darkness to consume me.

~End of Dream~

I jump up in the hotel bed gasping for air. Klaus was there and he quickly rushed to me and rubbed my back as he held me in his arms.

"It's okay love, I got you." He holds me tight and I place my head in is neck. He smells so good. I just wanna stay right here all day. NO BELLA. I know, I know he's the enemy.

Mind your business.

"I'm fine." I leave his arms and go into the bathroom and get dressed. {Outfit at the top} After I'm done I walk out and he's holding a small red box with a white ribbon.

"Happy birthday love." I smile then twist my wrist and his neck snap. I told you I'll kill them. I grab the box then sit on the bed and open it.

"Oh, my god." I mumbled.

It was a heart shaped necklace with a small diamond in the middle and on the front it said 'always and forever' it was beautiful. Stefan walked in and seen Klaus lying on the floor.

"Um what did you do

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"Um what did you do." He asked and pointed to the passed out Klaus.

"He's fine but, he'll be mad when he wakes up." I admired the necklace more. It was so beautiful but, I couldn't wear it. That would only prove that I had some type of feelings towards Klaus and I can't have him or my brother thinking that I do. But it was kinda true, I was developing feelings for the hybrid. God what is wrong with me.

"Um, okay then. Hap—" I twisted my wrist and his neck snapped. I didn't wanna hear it.

I got up from the bed and walked over to a stand up mirror and held the necklace to my chest and admired how I looked. Obviously I was smoking hot. He must have paid a lot for this.

"I don't know if I should be mad, or happy." Klaus said as he got up from the floor and stood behind me. "Let me put it on you."

"No, I'm not putting it on until I actually like you." I put the necklace back in the box and placed it under my pillow. "So until then it's staying there but, thank you it's beautiful."

"Well I'm glad you think so, it reminded me of you." He smirked and walked closer to me. I step backwards but, he kept coming, so I kept walking back until my back touched the wall. "Let me take you out tonight for your birthday."

"Um.." My breath, where the fuck did it go. "I- I dont know, I didn't wanna go anywhere or do anything." I look away from him.

He lift my head up so I could look him in the eyes. "Please love, think of it more as an apology for all the hurt that I've caused you."

I look in his beautiful blue eyes and that's when I knew...I'm falling for Klaus.


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