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hello!! by the next update, the NOEASY album will be out :O im so excited jshdgkdsj i haven't seen any teasers or unveils yet but im still super hyped for the album

actually thats not true i did see the seungsung unit photo and i died bye im way too excited for noeasy

enjoy the last three days of suspense before skz blows our minds!! i hope future me likes it a lot :))))


When I was twenty-six, we moved in together.

The apartment wasn't much. Seungmin was floating from one job to the next, photographing for anyone who noticed his large social media following and wanted to use it for advertising. He was currently in a discussion stage with a magazine that wanted to have him as a stable photographer.

As for me, I was a dance teacher. An assistant dance teacher. And an actor and a model. And somehow, a reality TV show judge. All great things, but they didn't all happen simultaneously, and didn't happen in an orderly enough fashion for me to procure a mansion like the one I grew up in.

Not that I'd want one, anyway. Seungmin and I were perfectly fine with being a little cramped. If anything, it relieved us. Oh no, I have to be close to my boyfriend. Oh no, we have to be in each other's sight most of the time we're at home. Tragic.

It was home from the moment I held the key in my hand, and the door clicked shut as Seungmin's mother finally finished fretting over everything and left us to our own devices. It was home from the moment Seungmin and I turned to each other and started laughing, surrounded by boxes of our possessions, unable to do anything but be glad of our togetherness.

More than a decade since we'd met, just over a decade since we started dating, and we were finally adults, because we were free of our parents' houses and dorm rooms and we were finally living together.

The first thing we unpacked was the bed. "If nothing else," Seungmin had argued, when my opinion of unpacking the plants had been voiced, "we must protect your precious spine against the floor."

"You have a sleeping bag," I said.

"Two grown men don't fit in a sleeping bag that was originally owned by a fourteen-year-old, and definitely not a fourteen-year-old who was as short as I was when I was fourteen."

And that had been that. We organized the bed, and then napped in it, and then organized some other stuff. By the time all our belongings had been settled around the apartment, a few weeks had passed, but the total feeling of being at home hadn't ebbed.

"And, Judge Hyunjin, would you like to tell the contestants their final challenge?"

It was the second-to-last episode of the show I judged on, where teenagers would self-choreograph and perform dances and songs, to be judged by me, Hyunjin, the famous dancer; a famous producer, Bang Chan, who founded and ran the fastest growing entertainment company in the nation (he'd also started this show and paid for the whole thing); and a singer-rapper-dancer-producer prodigy, named Han Jisung.

The person who'd posed the question was Bang Chan, and I nodded as a response. "I would," I said. "A few weeks ago, I moved into an apartment with my boyfriend." The general public had long since found out about my sexual orientation, although I had done a good job of keeping Seungmin anonymous, per his request.

"The apartment was—and still is, of course—small, and cramped. The possessions of two grown men stuffed into an apartment which was probably meant for one. However," I added, with a dramatic pause for the 'show' part of 'reality show,' "the unlikely setting feels more like a home than any other place I've ever lived."

Passive aggressive jab at my parents. On national television. Not that they would have seen it, probably, but I had long since stopped thinking regularly about them. We lost contact the moment I left their big empty house to live in a college dormitory (and my grandfather, to his credit, had also ditched them—for a nursing home).

"Your next mission is to create a dance that feels like home, with a partner of your choosing."

Aaaaand cut scene. I felt surprisingly excited to see what they came up with. I wondered if any of their dances would feel like my home.

WHEN I WAS 15 :: seungjin ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now