I just laughed and continue to eat my lunch

"Mmhhhmm!! It tastes so good! What is this" he looked at me with wide eyes

I laughed
"It's ___ (some big chef dish idk)" I said

"Woah! and you made this for me? I love you so much!" He said then proceeded to gobble down his food

I had already finished my food, so I just sat there and looked at nothing, basically I spaced out.

"Hey y/n, you wanna come over today? My sister really wants to meet you" Kitaro said 

"Huh? Uhh no I can't, I have work this evening" I said

"But, you never have work on a Tuesday," He said

"Uhh, yeah I have work every day now, but we can hang on weekends," I said

"Only on two days?! Whyyy that's not enough" he whined

"Oh, come on, that should be enough plus we get to be with each other in school," I said

"Nooo, in school, we have work to do while we're in school, I want to spend time with you! when we don't have school work!" He said

"That's cute but we can always spend the two days of the weekend together, all day," I said to him smiling

"No Y/n, do you know how long Saturday takes to come around! it like an eternity! and that's too long" He pouts

"Oh come on, it isn't that bad," I said to him

"It is, why do you have to work every day now anyways?" He asked

Should I tell him, about my sickness...
I can't... I can... I can't ... I can... no

Y/n mind was all over the world, she didn't know whether to tell Kitaro the truth about her life, she grew nervous and her heart started to race. She started to play with her hands to calm herself down.

Kitaro saw that y/n looked a bit nervous and worried, he then gently wrap his arms around her, and placed her head on his chest.

"What are you so worried about? did I say something wrong?" Kitaro asked

"No, is just- uhh, I-" Y/n tried to find words to say but she didn't know what to say

Kitaro could've felt her heart racing.

"Okay, just breathe y/n, breathe," Kitaro said as he started breathing in and out so y/n could do the same

After a few minutes, Kitaro felt for her pulse and her heart rate was back to normal. he then parted away from y/n to look at her

"I'm sorry Y/n, I should mind my business, I don't care that you have to go to work every day, I'll wait till the weekend," Kitaro said with a smile 

Tears started to fill Y/n eyes. She can't believe that she has someone who truly loves and cares about her at her side again.

"Y/n, you're crying? wait why?" Kitaro asked as he wiped away a tear that had fallen onto her cheek

Y/n smiled before she gently cupped Kitaro's face and kissed him softly.

Sickly in love [Miyamura x reader]{Horimiya}Where stories live. Discover now