Chapter Twenty-Eight

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The next day we had Bailey and her husband and Marcy and her boyfriend over.
"Look at you," I grinned putting a hand on her large stomach. "How are you feeling?"
"Morning sickness is finally over," she smiled.
"But she's super emotional all the time," her husband said and we laughed.
"More than usual?" Louis smiled causing Bailey to give him a swat.
"Definitely," her husband nodded. We led them to the kitchen which was already set for dinner.
"Kate this looks great," Marcy said sitting down at the table.
"I'm starving," Bailey said. We served ourselves chatting about regular things. About halfway through the meal, Bailey got a big grin on her face.
"So we found out the gender," she said.
"Oh my gosh really?" I asked excitedly.
"What is it?" Marcy asked.
"A girl," Bailey grinned and I could feel tears in my own eyes.
"Oh wow," I said getting up and hugging her. "You must be so excited."
"I really am," she smiled rubbing my back.
"I can't wait to buy her dresses," Marcy grinned. Bailey and her husband left early because she was exhausted.
"Hey, who drew this?" Marcy asked as we sat at the kitchen counter.
"It's kind of a long story," I answered tracing my finger along the picture Karen's daughter had drawn.
"Well spill it," Marcy said topping off my wine glass.
"You're going to get her drunk," Louis chuckled.
"She seems like she needs to be a little drunk," Marcy answered and I shook my head.
"Ashley came by a few weeks ago," I answered looking to Louis.
"She was her old selfish self," Louis replied. "So I kicked her out."
"Doesn't surprise me," Marcy said shaking her head.
"Well, she said Alec left, she's broke, and staying with my father. She said he wanted to see me, but I don't want anything to do with him."
"I don't blame you," Marcy replied. "He was a piece of shit."
"Yeah well my sister must have told him where we go to the beach because he and his whole family- wife, and kids, showed up there a few days ago," I said rubbing my forehead. "I didn't even recognize him."
"He just showed up there without any warning?" Marcy asked.
"Yeah, he was begging me to forgive him and get to know the new him," I sighed.
"What an ass," Marcy said shaking his head. "And your sister isn't any better."
"Well, his wife showed up here yesterday to apologize for everything. She actually ended up staying for dinner. She was really sweet, but she said Ashley told her daughter that I was her sister and she drew that picture for me."
"Did you meet her Lou?" Marcy asked.
"Yeah, she seemed like a really good person. She reminded me of my own mom," Louis answered. "She seemed like she genuinely cared about Kate's wishes and feelings and us in general."
"You both have mommy problems though, maybe I should meet her," Marcy said. "I don't want either of you getting hurt."
"You don't have to," I said with a frown. "You have your own life now, you don't need to take care of me."
"Well I want to," Marcy said rolling her eyes. "You still take care of us, so I want to take care of you."
"Maybe it is a good idea," Louis said to me. "She asked to come over next weekend to check on us."
"I'll be here you just give me a time and day," Marcy said.
The next weekend, Marcy, Louis, and I were playing basketball in the driveway when Karen pulled up. Louis grabbed the ball as Karen got out with a big casserole dish.
"Hey Karen, let me take that for you," Louis said going to grab the dish.
"Oh thank you, sweetheart," she said patting Louis' cheek.
"Kate honey, how are you?" She asked coming to give me a hug.
"Good," I nodded. "This is my friend Marcy."
"Hey," Marcy said giving a wave.
"Oh it's so good to meet one of Kate's friends," Karen smiled. She followed us into the house.
"So Marcy how long have you known Kate and Louis?"
"I've known Kate since sophomore year of college," Marcy replied. "I met Louis right after the band broke up and he moved back to LA."
"I'm sure you all had some fun times together," Karen laughed.
"We have another friend too, her name is Bailey," I replied.
"She's super pregnant though, so not a lot of fun right now," Marcy laughed.
"Oh wow you guys are in such an exciting time right now, marriages and babies," Karen smiled.
"Karen this smells great," Louis said placing casserole on each of our plates.
"Oh thanks," Karen smiled. "I know it's probably not as healthy as you're used to, but everyone needs some lasagna every once in a while."
"So Karen, Kate says you're married to Steve," Marcy said.
"Yeah, when I married him I didn't know about Kate and Ashley. He didn't tell me any of that until Ashley showed up on our doorstep," Karen replied. "When I found out everything he had done... I mean I just feel like it's my job to check up on you kids. I know you're adults now, but I just feel like you need a little parental love."
"How do we know you're not doing this because you're trying to force Kate to be on good terms with Steve?" Marcy asked crossing her arms.
"I would never push you to anything you don't want to do honey," Karen said facing me. "I understand why you don't want him in your life and I don't want you to ever feel uncomfortable."
"I know thanks," I said softly.
"So what made you all move to San Diego?" Karen asked changing the subject.
"Actually Marcy's parents live a few blocks from here and we used to come and visit for pretty much every break," I smiled. "That's where we learned how to surf."
"Louis, did you go with them too?" Karen asked.
"Yeah, we went for Christmas the last few years," Louis smiled.
"I'm glad you had family to spend it with," Karen said and I could see the sadness in her eyes.
"Yeah, my friends have become my family," I nodded. "They put up with a lot."
"I can tell you really care about each other," Karen replied.
"How did you meet my dad?" I asked softly.
"Oh well we were at a company picnic and he came up to me and complimented my dress and I guess the rest is history," Karen smiled.
"Where does he work?" I asked softly.
"He works in sales now," Karen replied. "He started in the mailroom though. Without a college degree, he had to work his way up."
"Oh," I nodded and Louis wrapped an arm around my shoulder "How is he with the kids?"
"He's a good dad now," Karen said looking down. "He takes our daughter to dance class and plays baseball in the front yard with our son. He helps with their homework and takes them to school..."
"I'm glad he's better for you and your family," I answered looking down. Louis rubbed my back lightly. I had convinced myself that I didn't care about the life these kids got with my dad, but I could feel the sting.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said any of that. I didn't mean to make you upset honey," Karen said worriedly.
"You didn't," I said with a shrug.
"I meant to give you this," Karen said handing me another folded piece of paper. I opened it to find a crayon drawing of a princess labeled Kate. "She's convinced herself you're a princess. We don't really know why, but she won't stop talking about how she's related to a princess."
"I'm sorry if I'm putting a strain on your family," I said looking down.
"Honey, you've never been a strain," Karen said. "My kids understand that some things just aren't that simple. I didn't tell them everything, but they understand you aren't ready and may never be ready to be part of our family."
"Well I'm sorry you had to have that conversation with them at all," I said. Louis rested his head on my shoulder.
"Kate, you're not the one who is responsible for any of this," Karen replied. "You were just a kid."
When Karen left Marcy turned to us. "She's good," Marcy nodded. "She cares about you both."
With that Marcy left and Louis turned to me worriedly. "Karen made you upset," he said crossing his arms.
"I didn't think I cared about my dad being a good dad now, but it just kind of stung. I mean I guess I never really deserved to have parents who loved me and took care of me anyway," I shrugged. "I wasn't special, I wasn't a good kid, I didn't have a job."
"Kate, you're being ridiculous again," Louis said taking my hand and pulling me against him. "You were just a kid. You don't have to do anything to be loved, babe. Your parents were assholes. Plus I know you were special and a good kid because you read so many books."
"I just don't understand what I did wrong," I sighed. "Why did he decide to do it right with these kids?"
"I can't answer that, other than that he's a complete idiot," Louis said running his hand over my hair. "I promise that you are worthy of love and I am going to take care of you for the rest of your life."
I jumped up wrapping my legs around his waist resting my head on his shoulder. "Are you done with Karen?"
"No," I answered. "I still like her. I kind of want to meet her kids, but I feel like I have to be ready to see my dad first."
As Louis walked me to the bedroom he said, "you can do anything in any order you want babe."
"All I really want is to cuddle with you," I answered.
"That's what we're going to do," Louis replied.

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