Chapter 5: Devil fruit?!

Start from the beginning

"Hey! Let go of me!" You yelled at him as he just ignored you.

"What the... Corazon! What do you want?! Hey!"

You and law struggled until Corazon threw the both of you in a alley way. You grunted in pain and stood up.

"What do you want Corazon?! Do you wanna fight?!" Law yelled as he held up his fists.

"What are you doing?!" You yelled at him as he stayed silent, still facing the other way. He can't show you guys anything if he stays like that.

"What you said before, was it true?"



He spoke?

"Huh Who is it?!" Law said confused looking around. You grabbed his shoulder.

"Corazon." You said simply as law froze immediately.

"The secret name 'D'... If its true, you have to get away! Get away from Doffy!" He said as you let go of law.

"Law! y/n! You shouldn't be around him!' He yelled as law gasped and his eyes widened, shocked that he can talk, and about what he just said.

"Why?! Since when can you talk?!" Law yelled. You were equally shocked, but decided not to say anything.

"Since always." He said as you glared at him.

"So you've been... fooling Doflamingo all this time?!"

"I've never told him that i became a mute. He just thinks so." He said your slowly began to understand the situation.

"That's... the same as fooling him! What are you thinking..."

"Whoa whoa whoa." Corazon said cutting him off and snapped his fingers.

"Silence!" you paused hearing nothing, even though there was a busy street. Everything was silent.

"Huh? What the... The sound of the streets are... The sound of the streets is gone!" He cried as you snapped out of your trance and pulled law back.

"You're loud so i put up a wall." He said as your eyes widened.

"A devil fruit." You muttered as law turned to you. Corazon nodded.

"A sound-proof wall. You can't hear the sound from out there, huh? They can't hear us either." he said. "The wall is invisible." He said as law slowly turned to him.

"I ate the calm-calm fruit and became a soundless human." He said as law gasped rather loudly.

Law stared in disbelief while Corazon just smirked.

"What... what's wrong with you?! You've lied about everything!" Law said as you nodded your head.

"Don't tell me that... making a blunder like an idiot is also..."

"Yeah, of course." he said.

You blinked and shook your head.

"It's all acting."

"Your coat is on fire Corazon." You said as he put out the fire.

"I've done those dumb things since i was a kid. I can't change it. I'm dumb." He said as you glared at him. You sighed and silently listened to Corazon speak.

"I don't consider them my friends. What I'm trying to do is stop my big brother Doffy from going out of control." He said. "I don't know how that beast was born from our warm-hearted father and mother. He has no humanity."

You paused and clenched your fists. You have heard Trebol speaking of his past before and you quickly understood why he did what he did.

"He was born to be evil-natured and he's never afraid of anything. The only people who know about his true brutality are the four executives including me and the first Corazon, Vergo." He said as you glared at him.

"He wasn't born evil-natured." You whispered as law turned to you, so did Corazon with a shocked expression on his face.

"Why do you think he's evil natured? He was raised in a place where people who lived there were considered gods. No one talked back to them and those who did gets killed." You said staring at him.

"Because of your father who decided to reduce himself to a human, he had to endure all the beatings. Because he became human, those who hated the celestial dragons took their anger out on you and the captain." You said taking a few steps back.

"If he was born a human, and never got to experience what it was like to be a celestial dragon, if he was used to human life, if he didn't go through all the beatings and torture just to get food for themselves and his sick mother, he wouldn't be like this."

"A monster isn't born. It was made. He hated them because of what he went through. And i get it. The celestial dragons hurted a lot of people. But if the civilians were more patient and waited for him to adjust to life, he wouldn't have turned out like this." You said shaking your head.

"And i was just starting to like you, even though you kept throwing me around all the time."

"Y/n! You don't understand! The name D...  Its completely different in meaning from what Doffy is going for!"

"Too bad Corazon. I'm not your subordinate! Me and law are Doflamingo's subordinates!" You yelled and smirked.

"I'm going back to the ship. Talk to law all you want!"

You quickly turned your back to him and ran out of the sound proof wall, turning a corner and found baby 5 and buffalo standing there.

"Come on." You said pulling them away.

"I'll buy you guys ice cream. So don't say a word about this. You hear?' You say as they both nodded. "Lend me some money will you? Baby 5." You ask as she stuttered out her answer.

"Huh? S-sure! She needs me!" She muttered at the end. You smirked. I hope you're worried about me telling Doflamingo all about this Corazon.

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