the pilot

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It was a peaceful morning as a peaceful morning can get in the Gallagher house, and everyone was most likely sleeping Intell...

"Wake up you two it 7:15," The oldest Gallagher said to the second oldest and his best friend.

Max just waves his hand at his sister as James snuggles closer to Max, his head farther into Max's neck, his hand ending up on Max's bare chest ss Fiona just rolls her eyes but smiles at the view before she walks out to wake the others up.

"7:15 monkeys,"  Fiona says to her other younger siblings as Max tries to get James up.

"Get up James," Max tells his best friends, running his hand through his brown hair.

"Mmm" Was all James could say too comfortable to get up

"Get your ass up" Max complains when he doesn't move he softly sighs and gently moves James off of him and gets out of bed to try to get to the showers first but not before throwing a shirt on his thin body and looking at the sleeping boy.

As he was walking out of his room his brother Lip and Ian were fighting over the bathroom.

"The first shower," Ian says running out of there and Carl's shared bedroom, while Lip argues back "You had it yesterday". While they were arguing they didn't see Max sneak into the bathroom until they heard the door slam shut.

"Max!"Both boys outside yell banging on the bathroom door angry at their older brother for taking the shower before one of them gets it.

"Sorry, you guys were too slow haha!"Max laughs at them before turning on the shower.

After Max takes a shower he just wears his baggy whitewash jeans that as a whole on one of his knees his orange and black flannel over a white t-shirt. He contains his curls as best as he can before walking out and as soon as he does Ian pushes him out of the way and makes it to the bathroom with a bang from slamming the door.

Max goes to his room to see if James is up which he is but is just sitting on the bed rubbing his eyes. While Max just admires his shirtless best friend.

"Electric" Fiona tells her siblings as Lip steals the milk from Debbie and Max steals the stale cereal from her. James finally comes downstairs fully dressed in one of Max's shirts that was too big for Max but perfect for James, compared to Max James has more muscle than Max's small but tall build.

"Hey Jamie," Max says as James walks past him, messing up Max's already messy hair before putting his shoes on.

"Bye Gallaghers I'll be here later tonight," James tells the sibling as they all say bye before walking out the door not before throwing money at Max for the electric bill and then winking at Max who winks back.

"Coming threw," Ian says, carrying Liam on his back before putting him on a seat and then sitting down himself.

"Electric" Lip says putting money in the box and passes it to Ian who also puts his money in before Max puts James 20 dollars in and puts his 10 dollars passing it to Carl who doesn't put in any but passes it anyway not without getting caught and being told he should put money in as he's already 11.

"No, you got a happy meal on the front of your shirt!"Fiona explains to Carl walking towards him.

"Oh, um... Field trip, Need dad's signature" Ian tells Fiona as She tells Carl to lift his arms which he does she lifts his shirt off turning it inside out before sliding it onto him.

Ian hands Max his permission slip knowing he can write Frank's Signature perfectly.

"Wow, Max that's actually perfect" Lip praises His older brother by two years.

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