Chapter one

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One day this girl that always made me curious, she wasn't like any other girl I've ever seen , she spent hours just reading her book and drinking her grape juice , that was interesting enough because no one beside her and i ever went to the cafeteria and bought that specific juice, after couple days of observation i came to the conclusion that it was her favorite drink, she wasn't into reading cuz she only read one book , a clockwork orange i saw the movie but never had the chance to read it , so it was obviously a gift from a special person, but i never knew who he was.. it bothered me because i got curious ( my dad always told me I'm an owl cuz i notice everything)
We spent couple weeks just drinking our grape juice and staring at each other, eye contact was always my weakest point but with her , it wasn't that hard, maybe because she's a loner too ,or maybe because i enjoyed the view. We sat in a separate benches across each other. Till one day some idiots took her chair and said some dumb things to her , she stared at them for a while , i noticed that the leader of the groupe got intimidated , i felt her eyes penetrating his soul , it made me smile for the first time in two years , my friend noticed and smiled i saw that and saw relief in his eyes but didn't know why , he ran away and left me alone in my bench, i noticed her coming my way , my heart started beating fast , why! Why ! i kept asking myself .. she looked at me straight in the eyes and walk past me and sat alone .. on the grass . I got disappointed and asked myself again: WHY!
I wanted to invite her to sit with me,i said it a million time in my head but couldn't actually say it i stuttered a lot , but just a second before saying it the bell rang , she ran to her class and i walked slowly repeating the same words :go fuck yourself .
Couple days after the same scene happened again, it felt like a deja-vu shit , she went to her place found couple fuckers being a dick to her flipped them went to the grass to sit but this time i spoke ,i said : grape juice .... she looked at me confused.. my face turned every color that ever existed, i got anxious and sounded really silly , then she laughed, she laughed so hard she almost fell , i got more stressed because i didn't know why she's laughing, is she being ironic, is she being nice to me ( it cannot be that cuz she was mean ) or maybe just maybe it's a genuine laughter . She said she has been thinking about it all day because some douchbag took the last grape juice and knew it was me . I invited her to sit with me and to share the last bottle of juice. She thought about it for a while and then smiled and said : okey.
We talked a lot but with no use of words , just looks . I remembered a quote from my favorite movie,scarface . The eyes chico .. i stopped for a sec and wondered why her eyes were glancing , then something i wasn't expecting happened, they never lie ! She said. That's when my eyes sparkled , she felt the same way i felt after quoting tony Montana, she smiled and asked me : you're an al Pacino fan ? I replied with ooo wah . I got scared that she wouldn't get the joke ,but she laughed and said the same thing but with a different tone and a crack in her voice .
I asked her for her name and she said Nour ( which translate to light in English) she asked about mine and i told her brad pitt ... she laughed and said that she thought brad was blonde . For once i was so happy because i finally met someone as silly as me , and gets my jokes , i told her after my name . She took her time and then said : wahid ! Hmm i guess you're no longer wahid cuz you got me now ... as a friend ( wahid means lonely) i usually don't like making nor having friends but she was an exception.
We spent a lot of time together at school and talked till the sunrise on the phone , she changed me a lot ,i noticed it but never wanted to admit it.. but my friend Mohamed knew and kept telling me that , it didn't bother me as much as i thought but still it was like a rock in my shoe , didn't like the feeling but kept walking anyway.
On a Friday night i tucked my younger brother in bed , kissed his forehead and wished him a good night he hugged me tight and said : our parents would've been so proud of the man you became ! I smiled and turned the lights off and closed the door , not all the way ! I shouted before him . He laughed and said how did you know , i replied sarcastically :you've been saying it for years you brave man . Then We both smiled , after that i went to the roof  and pulled a cigarette and lay down on the ground watching the stars. My phone rang it was her i picked up and before she said anything i told her i want to tell you something, she said I'm all ears ( i knew it was a bold move cuz i don't usually open up to people) i told her my story , every single detail of it , she listened to me the whole time , but i kept asking her if she's here ,i thought she fell asleep but she didn't. When i finish i said : well this is me ! After that she said nothing, neither did i . I was going to hang up on her and then she said : sometimes to feel alive.. we need to get hurt.
When i asked her about her life she laughed and said  let's leave it for another day, tonight is all about you. That phrase made my eyes tear , i missed that feeling, the one that meant a lot to me , i felt like i'm important and that she cared about me . I told her about my brother and she insisted on meeting him even though she hates kids .
We met the day after in a restaurant he was dressed like a french drug dealer , a black adidas joggers with the hoodie on his head, 350 static yeezy that once belonged to me but he got so big that he shares my clothes now , he had long hair ... longer than mine . I wore a white shirt tucked into my black jeans and a leather varsity jacket with a chunky combat boots, my hair split in half and my fathers necklace dangling from my neck , we entered the restaurant and she was already there , dressed almost the same as me , except for the jacket she wore a bomber one and her hair into two buns and her bangs almost covering her eyes , i walked up to her and said : say hello to my little friend! She was surprised by my brother's reaction, he pointed to her head and started making gun shots with his hands . She played dead and they both started laughing, he was shy so everything had to go through me to her , he thinks you're cool , i said
She hugged him and said that she thinks he's cool too . We spent the evening laughing and giggling , she was special not just for me but for him too, i noticed that when he started talking to her like she was me ( he was shy and didn't like anyone except me and now... her ).
He said that she's a female version of me , she replied with: but a lot hotter. He laughed so hard that he started tearing, for once , we were normal people we thought about nothing bad , but the mood had to be ruined when the guy she flipped once in school started throwing fries at her. He ruined my mood and now amma ruin his face!
I asked my brother to escort her to the car while i deal with him ( i drove an old red bmw convertible that belonged to my grandfather ) he grabbed her by her hand and gave her the keys , reached to his wrist and took a rubber band and but his hair in a man bun and followed me ,she tried stopping him but the look he gave her scared her , no one cross the line with my brother, no one messes with family and get away with it . She couldn't believe he's a kid she knew life did us bad to act like this. On the other side i asked him to go outside ,he laughed and said : you want to get hurt pretty boy , it's three of us and no one with you. I had a cigarette in my hand , i took the last drag and threw it at him , he panicked and got angry , i smiled. We went outside he kept yelling how bad he gonna hurt me , i took off my jacket and punched him hard on the face his friends surrounded me and started throwing punches left and right, i felt nothing not because they were weak but because i was focused on their leader. I heard screaming from far away, i didn't look away because i didn't want to get distracted but they did... and they regretted it , my brother was running at full speed with a baseball bat that i forgot it excised ,he started swinging his bat on them, they ran away i left that idiot go, and he jumped on me and hugged me with tears in his eyes , i cried too , then i told him that we can't let her see us like this , we wiped each other's faces and left , his hand in mine dragging his bat , it was like a poster of an action movie. She was scared and crying i took her hand and told her it's going to be fine he tapped on her shoulder and said : now you one of us, no one disrespect family. She wiped her tears and smiled . I drove her to her house but didn't get very close , i kept my distance so her father wouldn't see us. She stepped off the car and kissed my brother and said it was a pleasure meeting him, he blushed and hid his face under his hair .
We got home , he said he didn't want to stay alone, he joined me on the roof and sat next to me, it was quite then he spoke : does she know ? He asked , i acted dumb and said knows what ? He angrily said : you know what am talking about! Yes, i said with my head down , is that why she was nice to me,  to us ? Is she feeling bad for us and being just "nice" to us ? I grabbed his hand and said : no, she's mean as hell but she's nice to us, donno why but she is. That question made me think , why is she being nice to us. I called her after he went to his room angrily, we caught up with each other and then i had to ask , what's your story , why so nice to us ?
She didn't want to talk at first but after she thought it's time.
She told me how her father abused her mother and hated her and her sister. I wanted to ask why but before i did she said, we never were a happy family, and just when i started feeling happy it got complicated. She told me that their house was leaking gas and every time her mother said anything to her father he denied it ( after the accident he found out that he lost the ability to smell cuz he got hit in the head once ).
And then one day it was leaking a lot , nour was at school and her younger sister amel ( hope) was at home asleep, she was 5 years old . Her old man made a mistake and pulled a cigarette and his lighter (that i wanted it so bad ).boom , an explosion, the mother and the kid died at the moment , and the father lived with a half burned face ,she used to call him Harvey (from batman ) . After that she said we're not very different you and i that's why am nice to you not petty but we both know what it feels to lose people. All we could hear is our breathing on the phone , i told her that a wise woman once said: sometimes to feel alive.. we need to get hurt. She smiled and said that she's right . I told her am tired and hand up .
But truth to be told , i wasn't tired...

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