Avada kad-

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I woke up in the morning and got ready for breakfast I put my robes on and as I walk down into the common room I met up with my brothers Tom and Mateo Tom was still plenty mad at me but he wouldn't show he kept his normal straight face on as we walk down to breakfast we enter the dining hall and Fred George Hermione Ron Harry and Oliver we're looking at me I know why it's because of that letter he nodded his head and I knew that mean he met me I walked down to the salon table and sat with my brothers pansy stop by Draco who sat in front of us draco was trying to flirt I just played along

Hey baby girl draco said

Hey handsome I replied

Why where you with the weasel boy and not in my dorm last night he said with a smirk

Maybe because we'll I don't know he has a bigger friend

As soon as I said that I regretted it Tom and Theo got up and walked to Fred mad fred stood up to see what was up and Tom punched him and Theo got his wand out and yelled Avada Kad- he was cut off by George who smacked his wand away I could not help but laugh as they got yelled at by Dumbledore and got detention for 6 weeks with Snape who's not so bad 

I made my way over to Fred and asked if he was ok he said yeah just he wanted to go lay down I offered to help him walk there and he agreed we entered the dorm and he sat on his bed I apologized for my brothers and he said it was fine he also said he heard what I told malfoy he just smiled and said that I could see for myself anytime I wanted and just to tell him when I wanted him I laughed  we talked for a while longer then I had to get to class but something was off with Fred the whole time and I did not know what I thought I would get it out of Ron in class

Sorry short I'm really busy with stuff right now

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2021 ⏰

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