Meet and Greets...Excpet Its Not Fans.

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"Would you quiet down!"

"Bah, what's he gonna do? Suddenly wake up?



"Shit, he's waking up! Get your spatula ready!"

"I got it right here, calm down will you?"

"Geez, just telling you to stay prepared."

"Don't flip your hair in my face."

"Or what? Your gonna tell on me?"

"Oh I'll show you."

"Wait no, I'm sorry! PLEASE DON'T HURT ME."

"Speak quieter! And why should I not? We have to wait longer for him to wake up because someone shot him again when he already shot him once."

"Hey, not my damn fault that he shot him! I thought I was in charge of that was all!"

"Sure, sure. Now stay quiet, he might wake up."

"Why are we stuck watching him anyways?"

"Because he has another job to do and we're the only ones free at the moment. Plus, we're taking turns."

"Geez why can't we just sneak out?"

"Do you want him to come in?"

"Fine. You're no fun."

"And looks like your trying to lose your job."

"I. Dammit."

"Mhm, thought so. Now shut up."

"But- FINE."


"Mmphm..." A brunette mumbled, slowly regaining his consciousness and waking up to complete darkness.

Sou opened his eyes slowly, trying to get his vision to clear from being so hazy.

He lifted his head up, shaking himself to stay awake as he forced his eyes to open up. He looked down at himself and realized he was sitting in a chair.

"Nn...Wha -?" He mumbled, hissing quietly afterwards when a sudden rush of pain flowed through his body when he moved.

The brunette felt two sharp spots on his body that were searing with pain, but he also felt fabric or a similar material over them like it was supposed to help the pain go away.

He swayed his head up and froze when he saw that right in front of him was where he saw a hooded figure in front of him sitting in a chair.

"Well, well, seems like your up now. And please, try not to move too much? You'll only make the pain grow worse." The hooded figure chuckled, shaking his head and waved politely towards the brunette.

The figure in front of him had a red t-shirt and a black hoodie on with the hood itself lifted up, the sleeves rolling all the way down on his arm. Two piercings managed to sparkle in the midst of the room's light and down on his legs were grey ripped jeans, two chains hanging from his belt.
He wore fingerless biker gloves that cased his fingers, only revealing the very tip of them. A black mask covered his face from his mouth to his nose.
Blonde bangs hovered over his eyes where it seemed he had caught the ocean in slow motion, his mysterious blue eyes being the only thing that appeared to be lighting up the room.

Sou tried to move his arms and hands, but felt himself unable to do so.

He glanced down and felt tight ropes wrapped around his wrists, securely caging his hands. He looked down and realized that his feet were also tied up, holding him down by the ankles.

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