Maybe he should just cancel his ridiculous urge to eavesdrop on so many talks in general.

Another one of Wooyoung's moans resonates through the changing room – and as San sneaks a careful glance at Yeosang to check if he's the only one who's feeling like leaving, he's astounded at the furious look on Yeosang's face. Not even a moment later, and without sparing San a glance, Yeosang marches off, right back to the entrance.

With a few seconds' delay, San follows him.

"-young? Are you coming? San and I are waiting for you." Yeosang speaks through gritted teeth, in front of the door to the male changing room. There are no moans from Wooyoung anymore.

San silently wonders if Jimin has pulled his hand out of Wooyoung's pants.

"I-I'm fine. I'll come later", Wooyoung answers. Then there's some hissing and giggling on the other side of the door.

So that guy is still jerking him off.

"Are you sure, Wooyoung?" Yeosang's glares look like they could burn right through the door, behind which San can hear some rather intimate whispering now. Everything in San recoils at the thought that not only Jimin is still jerking Wooyoung off, but also that they seem so comfortable, so easygoing together.

San just wants Wooyoung away from Jimin as fast as possible, so he opens his mouth too now, carefully choosing a mixture of whining, impatience and naivety: "Youngie? Come oon, I'm really hungry and I don't wanna wait an eternity until we start cooking."

"Just a moment, Sannie- uh, San", Wooyoung calls back. "Five more minutes, okay? Can you wait outside? I'll be there in a sec."

"Sure thing!" San makes a point in audibly walking towards the exit, pulling Yeosang with him – before they both take off sprinting back to the tilted window at the building's side.

"Sure thing!" San makes a point in audibly walking towards the exit, pulling Yeosang with him – before they both take off sprinting back to the tilted window at the building's side

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"Sannie?", Jimin repeats incredulously. His hand pauses mid-stroke – then he pulls it out of my pants and takes a step back.

I send him a glare for stopping like this – while the urge to facepalm overcomes me at the same time. I seriously called San Sannie. My frustration about all of this soars through the ceiling, and even more so when I remember the actual talk I'd had in mind before Jimin wrapped his fingers around my dick.

Yeah – a talk. Not a handjob. Look at how well that worked out.

"He's my flatmate. Do you mind telling me why you sound jealous all of a sudden?" I'd much rather have Jimin jerk me off completely now, but... San is waiting. And I'm not that hard yet anyways, so I'll survive the short walk home to a cold shower.

And the talk I had in mind is still kinda important.

Jimin breathes in deeply. His eyes are starting to look suspiciously watery, so I turn around to face my locker. I don't have the nerve of dealing with his emotions right now. What's even more – his feelings are none of my business and they shouldn't be. I didn't ask for him to develop some kind of crush on me.

"I... feel like... there's someone else", Jimin mumbles after some agonizing seconds of silence.

His possessive attitude is starting to get really annoying. "Didn't I tell you two days ago already that I don't hook up with more than one guy at a time?"

"You did..." Jimin's hand lands on my arm. "You also said that there's only me", he reminds me quietly.

"I- I don't- Did I? I didn't mean it like that", I brush his remark off briskly, turning around to face him once again because his voice sounded slightly more stable now. "You're making it sound as though I was talking about a relationship."

Jimin gulps – which somehow reminds me a bit of Yeosang. And of the warning he gave me. Don't you dare to strip him of his dignity, just because he managed to fall for you. But I don't want to hear Jimin's confession or whatever. If I turn him down after he confessed – wouldn't that make me the bad guy?

"Actually", I'm fast to intervene before Jimin can open his mouth, "I wanted to talk to you because... I want to stop hooking up. Just wanted to tell you this."

Jimin's mouth opens and closes, and opens and closes. Finally, he turns away. "What the hell, Wooyoung? Why? And why didn't you tell me sooner? You-" He gulps. "Just a minute ago I was about to jerk you off – and you didn't tell me? You didn't bother to?"

Even though I think that I've prevented a possible confession coming from him, I still feel like the bad guy.

"I wanted to", I defend myself, "but it's not like you left me any time-"

"Don't you dare blame this on me", Jimin demands angrily.

I stay quiet at that. After a few seconds of silence in which neither of us speaks up, I turn back to my locker to get my water bottle. I'm fucking thirsty after a whole dance class without a single break.

"So. That's it?" I'm pretty sure that Jimin's voice almost breaks but I don't turn around to check.

"You're making it sound as if we were a thing in the first place", I mutter, unscrewing my bottle's cap and taking two hasty sips. The cool water tastes heavenly. "But yeah. That's it."

Loud, angry knocks break our silence. "Wooyoung", Yeosang snarls from the other side of the door, "get the fuck out of there. Now."

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