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I sat down on one of the chairs with a lunch tray between my hands and a fat sigh leaving my lungs. I was starving and still bitter from the hit I blocked with my head this morning, costing me the last brain cells which were supposed to make me get through the rest of the day. Needless to say, I was not in my happiest mood.

Today is definitly the worst day of the week; two hours of calculus and an hour of psychology and it doesn't even end there. Three more hours of English literature, Acting, and Economy are waiting to drain my soul from all that is left of my will. My current GPA is around 4, but that doesn't mean I like studying! I loathe it. I loathe school.

When given the opportunity to study at a high-status private school for free, being one of the top — few may I add — students is kinda the deal. People keep telling me that being dedicated to my studies will get me to a great college and how my future is going to be bright all the time, especially my parents. But, the only thing I ever think of is not disappointing my parents. The whole idea of being given a scholarship is proving that it was worth it.

On the other hand, my brother — who was also on a scholarship — wasn't a bright student, more like a small flashlight or a candle. But he was the captain of the soccer team. Even though it wasn't something he wanted to pursue, rather than let him miss a few classes and become noticeable in the halls, my parents were very proud of him. No matter how high I score on a test, the smile I receive can never match that of when Cody comes home after winning a game. I'm used to it by now. No matter what he does, he'll always be the first child.

Lately, Teachers have been brutal because the finals are just around the corner. The amount of pressure I have concerning college just makes my life even more unbearable. About one month and a half of high school left and I still have no idea what I want to do or where to apply. With my GPA, I can apply everywhere. And I'm good in every subject. Well, I'm forced to. But, I feel like I need to be into something in order to pursue it. Unfortunately, I'm not into anything.

38 days. 38 days and it's over!

Ugh, I just wish I can be alone with that pizza for the rest of my life.

The last thing I wanted right now is to start thinking about college and let it ruin my appetite. I didn't waste time digging in. I spoiled myself with a couple of pizza slices, a big chocolate cupcake and a cold can of iced coffee. My favourite thing in SilverOak is the cafeteria food. Unlike other high schools, or my old middle school to be precise, food tasted like shit. But here! Damn! All I can say is that it simply makes my life a little easier. And much pleasanter. I immediately forget about all my worries during Lunch. It's a rule.

I would really marry this cupcake if I could...

"You're doing it again," suddenly, my attention was brought up to the person sitting in front of me. "You're moaning."

I swallowed my food with guilt. "Sorry, I didn't even notice."

"You do that all the time. I'm used to it but if someone hears you, they'll think you're a pervert."

I chuckled, dusting my hands before reaching for my drink. "But how can I not! This tastes really good. You should try it."

She shook her head. "Thanks, but I'm not really in the mood for pizza."

I nodded while gulping some coffee. I know pizza and coffee don't sound that much appealing, but it's actually quite good! They're my favourite food and drink.

I glanced at Zoey's tray and saw that she got herself a container of salad, a bottle of natural squeezed orange juice and a turkey sandwich that she made at home. Unlike me, Zoey likes to follow a healthy diet. She also likes to run and do yoga in her free time to stay balanced which I can't understand. The fact that she's willingly convinced and determined to exercise will always be weird to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2022 ⏰

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