Hide and Seek

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"You can't hide forever, Ghost."

Yes I can.

I have to be quiet. So quiet they won't ever find me. Their voice sounded closer than it did before. But they wouldn't find me. I pride myself on my quietness and smallness. People often mistake me for a 10 year old, even though I'm 14.

"Come out; come out where ever you are."

You wish.

They would never find me. I'm hidden so well that they'll be looking after the sun has come up tomorrow. I'm an expert at hiding. I smile. Even in this old, dusty house they won't find me. I've never been here before, but that doesn't mean I can't find the best hiding spots.

"You won’t be able to hide forever, Ghost. You might as well come out now!"


They couldn't make me come out. I'm under the house, hidden by the worn floor-boards. I've been playing this game for years. No one has ever found me. Well, I have been found once or twice. But still, people have a hard time finding me. That's how I earned my nickname: Ghost.

"Aren't you tired of playing, Ghost? It's been so long!"

I will never get tired.

For so long I've been running, ever since mama came home that day and told me to run. Run as fast and as far as you can, don't ever stop and don't ever let them catch you. Daddy and I will be fine. You just have to run. I was 5. I've been running ever since.

"Come out now, Ghost. Please? I'm tired of playing with you."

That only worked the first time.

They were getting closer now; I could hear their footsteps above me. I smile. I was going to win. This is why people don't play with me. I beat them every time. They were right over the top of me now; their creaking footsteps told me so.

"Ghost, I'm getting tired. Let’s stop playing."

We've only just begun.

As they walk above me, bits of loose dirt fall onto my face. I try to wipe it away, but it has gotten into my nose. I sneeze. Their torch light flicks down on me. I stayed deathly still. Maybe if they can't see my shadow move they wouldn't think I'm here.

"Well, well, well. I think the Ghost has been found."


I had to get out. I don't like being found. I hate it. I start to crawl back the way I came. All of a sudden, a huge crack erupts behind me. I turn around, and an axe is sticking into the floorboards. I have to get out now.

"Come now, Ghost. Haven't you had enough of hiding?"

No, sorry.

I have to keep going. Crack! Their laughing was getting louder now, as the hole gets bigger. I can see out now, a tiny hole in the side of the house. I keep going until I had reached the exit, then I look back. The only thing I can see is bits of broken wood, and a shiny axe.

"The game is over now, Ghost."

No its not.

Mama never did say why I had to run, as well as having to hide like this. And never did she say anything about people wielding axes, knives or chainsaws! I've never seen mama or daddy again, and I always get the feeling these people may have gotten them. But I'm not sure.

"Oh little Ghosty, you can stop playing now."

I'll never stop playing, ever.

That is my mistake. The split second I look back, I see two legs jump through the hole, into my hiding spot. I scramble out of the house, but my foot gets stuck. Their laughing is getting closer, and I struggle until I've pulled my foot out.

"You're no fun, Ghost."

It's because I keep not being found, isn't it?

I scramble to my feet just as a head pops out of my escape hole. I was not going to be found today. I kicked their head and run. Maybe I should just give up and be found, but then no one would ever find me again. Was it worth it, though? No, it wasn't. I'll always keep playing.

"Come back Ghost! You can't run away again!"

Watch me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2015 ⏰

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