||13|| Mountain Ride ||

Start from the beginning



"But... about what you said. How only one person came here with you? Does that mean...?" Izuku squeaked as Isla kneeled to pat his head. She gave him a soft smile nodding

"Hai. We trust you Izuku. After watching you, and entrusting you with this gift. Not once have any of us regretted passing this to you. We have, fully accepted you as Tsukiko's guardian." Izuku teared up.

"Come on nii-san." Tsukiko took his hand and began to take him into the house the moment he stepped in Izuku felt a breeze pass over him.

"Ah~! It's been a while huh?" A red head appeared laying on the couch.

"Go around, don't hog the couch." Reeve appeared beside him.

"Still in good shape. Think it can survive another winter?" A white haired woman appeared in the kitchen seeming to observe it.

"It should." Aria and Ryota appeared. Not expecting it Izuku jumped when a large hand touched his hair ruffling it.

"So you're Izuku, huh? Nice to finally meet you!" Another very tall and large woman stood beside Isla, matching her in height and muscle.

"Kiko! My baby!" Izuku turned to see Tsukiko in the arms of another white haired woman. This one seemed more energetic than the other.

"Ano..." Izuku was stunned are they all...?

"Aniki." Tsukiko called out to him no longer in the woman's arms. "Meet my other family." She smiled up at him.

"Introduce yourself dumbass!" Matsumoto flicked his forehead.

"Ah! Right, um! Midoriya! I am Midoriya Izuku!"

"I am the fire sign, Leo! My name is Rekka! Nice to finally meet you, Izuku!" His wrist glowed.

"I am also a fire sign, Capricorn. You may call me Kion. I entrust Tsukiko to you as well." The sign changed but his wrist didn't stop glowing.

"I'm the air sign, Cancer, and I'm Yara. I look forward to our playdates!" Her sign glowed as well

"Earth sign, Sagittarius. My name's Talia."

"Nyla! I'm Scorpio!"

"And I am Isla! The Taurus sign!"

"I am Midoriya Tsukiko!" All eyes were on her now "Holder of the quirk. I fully accept Midoriya Izuku as the gatekeeper of my quirk. Giving him power to summon, unsummon and disable my quirk as he so chooses. Do you accept?" She looked around.

"We do!" The twelve people answered making Izuku's entire arm tingle.

"Do you accept?" Tsukiko was now looking at him.

"I...I do!" Once those words left him Izuku saw the symbols on his wrist began to spread.

He was in awe as it wrapped around his hand going up his arm one symbol after the next until it reached his arm. There a thick black line formed with a thinner line a bit under it. The first sign, Aries, stopped under it shinning before it stopped glowing, turned black and disappeared.

One after the other in the order the signs had accepted him in they did the same. With Taurus being the last sign to finish the seal Tsukiko stepped forward placing her hand on the symbols where she and Izuku glowed brightly. When Tsukiko moved her hand they stopped glowing and now two other lines similar to the thick and thin line appeared right above his elbow. It left room for the sign to appear between them.

"Well then, welcome to the family, Izuku!" Sage smiled bouncing over to him and wrapping him in a hug.

"Yeah! Cuddle pile!" Luz cheered rushing over to his twin and jumping on them.

"Not happening." Multiple voices declared as Tsukiko giggled joining the hug.

"Cuddle pile." She fit herself between the two landing in Izuku's arms.

"Don't you dare hog Ki-chan to yourself!" Reeve huffed joining.

"Just join it. You all know you want to." Ryota calmly stated as he joined the pile.

"Can't deny him." Rekka shrugged joining. Soon Izuku and Tsukiko were in the center of twelve large people in a cuddle pile.

"I know it's almost winter but, who wants to go in the pool?"

"I do!!"

"No you can get sick!"

"He's at it again."

"We should throw him in first."
"I'll take his right side."

Izuku laughed as Ryota was thrown into a pool of cold water. He was quite unhappy. What a way to spend a Saturday.

Izuku's Baby SisterWhere stories live. Discover now