"MY BFF! Please tell me you have something fun to do" I threw my stuff away and went to hug her, I was already bored to death already...

"Well, you have to find someone interview a lady for a job" A job interview, who is it...I took the resume and read the particular, she goes to the same school as me maybe I know her...let me see the name...Kim...Yongsun...Wait...no...maybe it's another Kim Yongsun, let me take a look at the photo given for reference...

"IT'S HER!" Gosh I missed her so much, my beautiful ex girlfriend who broke up with me years ago...things really changed that time but I really do love her...I still haven't move on yet, I can't believe fate have given us chance again...

"You know her" I kept the resume and look into a photo of me and her...I still keep it with me after all this years...time to get my girl back...

"I will interview her myself, 1:30 sharp tomorrow" Kim Yongsun...we will meet soon...and maybe, you will fall in love with me again...why did you break up with me over such a stupid reason in the first place...we were such a lovely couple...you and I are meant to be with each other....and what I did...was very reasonable, breaking up with me over such a silly thing...how adorable.

Solar POV
That was faster than I thought...who knows they were serious when they say they will notify me in a few hours...now I should go prepare something formal for tomorrow...

"Wow, they were serious when they say a few hours"

"Mhm...maybe they like being fast" I quickly replied to the email and confirm the timing...

-next day-

Gosh...I can't have breakfast now, who even get a interview immediately just after they hand in their resume what kind of boss do they have....gosh If I don't need a job I would be continue sleeping till afternoon...gosh I randomly wear something appealing and put my makeup on and rushed out...

I rushed in the building and quickly went to the front desk lady...she was surprised to see me but quickly handed me a cup of water...

("We haven't had a interviewer for you yet Ms Kim") What but the email clearly said this timing...are they pranking me...

"It's fine...Ms Moon wants to interview this lady herself...hello Solar" Hyejin...I recompose myself and she bring me to the CEO's office...Ms Moon...so the CEO surname is Moon...why would she want to interview me herself, I mean I'm just a regular person...nothing special about me...I quickly knocked on the door waiting for a reply...

"Come in"

I opened the door and bow down 90 degree "Good afternoon Ms Moon, I'm Kim...Yongsun..." When I look up...I was shocked, shock to see such a young CEO around my age and to see my Ex Girlfriend smirking at me...no wonder she wanted to interview me herself...I should've guessed...I deleted her number and blocked her on every internet platform already...never have I even imagine her being a young CEO of a company...

"Moonbyul...h-how have you been" It's true that we have been a lovely couple years ago and I just break up with her...the reason is really complicated... and I actually thought that 6 years ago after our graduation I wouldn't see her again...but look at us now, she is a boss and I am a jobless girl both of us are standing in front of each other...nothing have changed at all...she is still the same Moonbyul who I have dated...

My CEO Is My Ex Girlfriend(MOONSUN)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora