Of A Scream And A Promise...

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Alrighty, second shot at the Sylki ship! Hope this goes well😅😅  and that you guys enjoy it. 


Summary: Sylvie had just seen the horrible sight of Loki, HER Loki, pruned and erased from existence. She needs a moment to grieve, but not before handling the one who took him...Ravonna.


***TVA, Time Keepers Chamber***

This had been one tiring day. First Loki and Sylvie had nearly died on adorned moon, Loki had been put in a swiftly tiring, and quite humbling time loop, his friend Mobius had been pruned in cold blood, and then the two had finally received an audience with the Time Keepers, only to find out that the creators of the "Sacred Timeline" were nothing more than,

"Androids, " Sylvie realized as she observed the head of one She had just decapitated, noticing the mechanics and torn wires within. "Mindless machines...I... "

"It never stopped," Loki stated, realizing that all their efforts to get her had apparently been for naught. This caused him to become a little aggravated. "Then who created the TVA?!"

But Sylvie had spawned aggravation of her own as she threw down the head of the "Time Keeper" with malice. "I thought this was it!" She exclaimed.

In that moment, it seemed like there was nothing else to do. No alternatives. Loki however began to think of Sylvie and how hard she had fought, literally fought, to get here. And that made him feel empathetic towards her again. That piled on top of the feelings he'd already grown for her made him turn to look at her. He could see that she had a look of confusion, possibly vulnerability.

Instantly, he felt the urge to tell her....This wasn't exactly the ideal time or place, but he did feel it could possibly help lift up spirits. Something he rarely ever did. But for Sylvie, she was worth it.

"Sylvie?" He began, her eyes went to him almost instantly. But she thought this was something else and shop her head. "Not another pep talk, please."

"No," he corrected as he walked up to her, becoming quite nervous as he did, "I have to tell you something." His breathing became uneasy due to the nerves, but he managed to speak enough to try and lead up to it. "We will figure this out."

"How do you know that? " Sylvie asked, not exactly convinced. She's looked as though she could cry. And given the circumstances, she wouldn't be blamed. But she held it well as Loki continued his attempt to talk.

"Because, uh....well, back on Lamentis? We...we were...This is new for me..." He was staggering with his words, and if it wasn't for the lack of light in the chamber, his blush would've come through quite apparently.

And yet, he still had Sylvie's attention.

Looking into her eyes, Loki could see her worry. But he could also see her trust in him. They trusted each other now...And that gave him enough courage to not only continue, but also shakily put his hands on her shoulders to hold her. And to his surprise, she actually let him touch her. She could see that he was trying to tell her something, but he was obviously about it.

"What is it? Tell me." She begged whisperingly.

But just before he could, a bright glowing light shine through his chest before a Now began to grown from it. It rendered hi speechless, but it was also killing him! Sylvie's eye widened at the sight. She's was completely was frozen in horror as Loki's body began to disintegrate, but not before his eyes looked into her eyes and shared one last stare with her before fully disappearing into nothingness.

Loki & Sylvie: Love Is A Dagger(Sylki)Where stories live. Discover now