Chapter 2: Hoping For A Dream

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Quailpaw padded out of the apprentice's den to watch Featherpaw and Hollowpaw become warriors. It was her first time watching a warrior's ceremony, and she hoped it woudn't be her last.

Snowstar, a pure white she-cat, stood tall on the Cloudrock, which was a soft rock that was nearby the leader's den carved into a rock wall.

"We are gathered today to turn these two apprentices into warriors." Snowstar gazed down at Featherpaw and Hollowpaw. "I, Snowstar, leader of CloudClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn." she started. "Featherpaw and Hollowpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your lives?"

Featherpaw and Hollowpaw glanced at each other, excitment in their eyes. "We do." they nodded.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names. Featherpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Featherheart. StarClan honors your spirit and hope, and we welcome you as a full warrior of CloudClan." Snowstar then turned to Hollowpaw. "Hollowpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Hollowshine. StarClan honors your determination and bravery, and we welcome you as a full warrior of CloudClan."

"Featherheart! Hollowshine!" the clan called.

"One day we'll be like that." Adderpaw purred into Quailpaw's ear.

"We'll become the best of all the warriors!" Riverpaw sat beside them, her gaze filled with pride.

"I know you all will." Leafsong, a ginger and brown tortoiseshell she-cat, and their mother, purred.

Quailpaw dragged her attention back to Featherheart and Hollowshine. "Congratulations!" she meowed as they passed.

"Thanks." Hollowshine purred as the Clan began to split up from the meeting.

"Hey, Riverpaw." Adderpaw turned to the ginger she-cat. "Do you think you can help us train harder so we can become warriors quicker?"

"I'm only an apprentice like you two are!" Riverpaw purred. "I don't know that much either."

"But just in case we become warriors early, what do you two think our warrior names will be?" Adderpaw asked. "Mine will probably be Addertooth, for being fierce and strong!"

"Mine will probably be Riverheart, for being kind and helpful." Riverpaw meowed. "What about you, Quailpaw?"

"I don't know, actually." Quailpaw sighed.

"Maybe Quailwing for being strong or brave!" Adderpaw meowed.

"Or Quailfeather for being kind and caring for our Clanmates." Riverpaw meowed.

"Quailfeather suits her more." Adderpaw meowed. "But I think Quailpaw is still very strong or brave, even if she doesn't show it yet."

"Thanks, guys, but i'll never know my warrior name until I become a warrior." Quailpaw meowed. "And who knows? Maybe Adderpaw is right about my warrior name."

"Or me." Riverpaw pointed out.

"Yes, you too." Quailpaw purred.

"You up for a hunting patrol?" Frostfeather padded over. "Maybe you'll catch a squirrel without scaring off the prey."

"Sure!" Adderpaw leaped to her paws.

"You scared off the prey just for a squirrel?" Riverpaw stood up. "Maybe if Rustfall can take me on the patrol, you can tell me the story."

"It was not my best patrol." Adderpaw sighed as the three cats padded away.

Quailpaw watched her littermates pad away towards RustFall, who was sharing tongues with his mate, Cloudyheart. The ginger tom was littermates with Frostfeather, and glanced up when the white she-cat padded over.

"It seems like Adderpaw's keeping up with trying to catch a squirrel." Specklefur, a ginger and white tortoiseshell she-cat, sat beside Quailpaw with her tail curled over her paws.

"It really does." Quailpaw meowed.

"So, Quailpaw, do you have any dreams that you want to fufill?" Specklefur asked.

Quailpaw glanced at the she-cat, wondering if she really did have any. But all she replied with was a drooping head and a sad "no."

"Don't seem so down." Specklefur meowed. "Someday, you'll have a dream you want to fufill, like someday you will become a warrior."

Quailpaw lifted her head to gaze at the she-cat once again, her heart warming up once more. "Thanks." she purred.

"You're welcome." Specklefur touched her nose to Quailpaw's head before padding away to the warrior's den.

Quailpaw was glad that there was so many cats in her Clan that supported her, and she knew Specklefur was right. Just like Adderpaw, she was going to have a great dream to fufill.

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