come on, come on, turn a little faster, the world will follow after //

Começar do início

I searched each room on the first floor but still nothing. “Did he leave?” I whispered to myself. I turned the corner to enter the foyer just as the front door opened. In stepped Lia, Jc’s ex-girlfriend. I stopped in my tracks.

“Oh hey,” I spit out, completely surprised that she was here.

She looked at me and smiled politely, “Hey Kian.” I stood there for a moment, looking at her, thinking of reasons as to why she’d be here. “Have you seen Jc?”

“Uh, no… why?” I asked, anger building up inside of me. Jc said they were broken up. Why was she here and why was she looking for him?? I took deep breathes and tried to calm myself, knowing that our almost-kiss and starry night were no justifications to think that Jc and I were together. But they had to mean something. They just had to.

“Oh okay, I’ll just go look for him,” Lia smiled and sauntered off, leaving me dead in my tracks, confused. Were they back together? I thought but decided they weren’t, because Jc would have told me. Wouldn’t he?

Dom came up beside me, the music muffled in the distance, “whoa dude, why is Lia here?”

I shrugged, “I mean, it’s just a party. Anyone could show up.”

“Yeah, but this is a party at Jc’s house, not just any house,” He said, implying my worst fear. I shrugged again, trying to think of other reasons as to why she’d come. “Are they back together?”

“NO.” I said quickly, and Dom looked at me. I was breathing quickly, my fists clenched. I sighed heavily, “I uh, I don’t think so is what I meant.”

“Hmm, he hasn’t really talked about her at all so who knows,” Dom shrugged and then disappeared into the crowd of people, leaving me to my wondering thoughts.

I had to find Jc quickly and have him disprove my growing fears. I rushed into the crowd, pushing through to find him. I shoved passed a group of girls and that’s when I saw him. They were in the middle of the crowd, swaying to the beat of the music, their faces close together to talk over the volume of the music. My heart shattered. I felt like I could literally hear every piece of it breaking. It was just like the other party weeks ago. Nothing had changed at all.

I felt incredibly stupid and naïve to think Jc and I were anything. That almost-kiss meant nothing. The night under the stars meant nothing. Nothing to him at least. I grabbed the nearest girl and began dancing with her. I didn’t care what Jc thought now, because clearly he didn’t give a rat’s ass if I had feelings for him or not. The girl told me her name but I could barely make it out over the music, and I didn’t care enough to ask what it was again. She began to grind on me and I took the bottle of beer out of Dom’s hand and chugged it. “Go Kian!” He laughed as I finished off the bottle. “I’ll go get you another, brother.”

The girl, whose name I had forgotten, and I began to grind more intensely and I felt my hormones acting up. Maybe it was the slight intoxication or my longing for Jc’s lips, but I turned her around and kissed her. It wasn’t a passionate kiss of true love. More like a sloppy and wet kiss of lust and alcohol. It didn’t feel good or right but I did it anyways, ‘cause why the hell not?  I was giving up on Jc. Whatever I thought we had was slipping away and I felt myself feeling lost again, pulling on my running shoes to go chase down that new Kian Lawley I was thinking of.

I placed my hand on the girls butt and gave it a few squeezes just as someone shoved passed me. I pulled away from her and looked up. Pushing through the crowd I saw a head of curly hair run off upstairs. I looked back at Lia and she stood there, alone, looking baffled. She scoffed and turned away, shrugging her shoulders at her friends who stood, amusement and curiosity on their faces. I walked away from my random make out buddy and up to Lia.

Accidentally In Love // a jian fanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora