how much longer will it take to cure this? //

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The next night Jc threw a massive party. I figured it was to try and get over Lia. I was in my room getting dressed when he walked in. My heart rate increased faintly and I hated the fact it did that anytime I saw him. “Hey,” I smiled at my reflection in the mirror, though my eyes are focused on him.

“You ready to partyyyyy?” He sung, and I busted out a cheesy dance move. He let out a hearty laugh and gave a thumbs up. “Perfect.”

By nine o’clock, the party was in full swing. Our house was full of people, dancing and talking. I wandered from area to area, feeling somewhat out of place even though I loved parties. I just wasn’t feeling myself lately. I squeezed my way over the kitchen counter where some bowls of chips are scattered about with various dips surrounding them. I munched on a few, surveying the crowd of people.

Dance lights moved across the walls and ceilings. It was the only means of light after we turned all the other lights in the house off. The beat of the music could be felt through the vibrating floorboards. I bit into another chip and then my eyes landed on something. I nearly choked on the piece in my mouth and coughed it back into my hand. Jc was across the room, talking to some girls. His smile was radiant and even from the kitchen I could see the glow. The girls threw their heads back as if he had said something extremely funny and something crept over me. Jc always made me laugh. He’s the only one who could make me laugh the hardest I’ve ever laughed before. Maybe I felt as if it were our thing. Maybe I was jealous.

I reached for the nearest bottle of alcohol and it just so happened to be vodka. I pop off the top and chugged it, coughing as the liquid burned my throat on the way down. After a few more swigs, I barely remembered anything. I was stumbling and slurring my words. I remembered a long treacherous climb up to the roof. I needed some fresh air.

Once on the roof, the cool night air brushed my skin and I felt alive again. For a moment, nothing felt real. I touched my hand just to remember what skin felt like. My fingertips were cold. The numbness went away.

The gentle breeze brushed my hair across my forehead and I looked out over the city and its glimmering lights. “Pretty sight, huh?” A voice says behind me.

I hold out my beer bottle, as though I were going to stab the mysterious voice. They let out a familiar laugh and I squinted, my vision slightly impaired. “Jc?”

“You know you have to break the beer bottle if you’re going to use it as a weapon?” He came closer and I could make out every curl, every sparkle in his eye, and I had to look away. Under the influence, my emotions got ten times more intense.

“What? I can’t just whack people with the bottle?” I joked, losing my footing slightly as I stepped closer to the edge of the roof.

“Are you drunk?” Jc asked intriguingly, his eyes scanning me up and down with interest.

I hiccupped and then groaned, “Maybe.”  My foot moves another inch as I tried to steady my spinning mind.

Jc lunges forward, just as I felt myself falling. He grabbed my shirt and pulled me back up. “Whoa there partner, steady now,” His voice quivered, shaking with nervousness. “You almost fell off.”

I plopped down on the mattress we always left up on our rooftop, “Sorry.” I hiccupped again.

 Jc sat down beside me, our legs touching as he slid down. Even though intoxicated, I could see he sat a lot closer than he had to. My heart skipped a beat.

“You’re cute when you’re drunk,” He took a drink from his own beer bottle. “Accidentally suicidal, but cute.”

“Ha,” I said sarcastically and he laughed. A warmness spread over me as I realized I had him all to myself. Him and his laughter.

Accidentally In Love // a jian fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now