Soon enough, the emotional exhaustion from the day takes over my body. I fall into a deep sleep, curled up on the edge of my bed.

I'm woken up a couple hours later when a light knock sounds from my window. I pick my head up to see JJ squatting in front of my closed window.

I get up from my bed and make my way over to him. I slide open the window, allowing him inside.

"Franklin! Holy shit!" He voices excitedly. "We got it!" JJ cheers quietly, closing the window. "We got the gold."

"Oh my god!" I say excitedly. JJ let's out a laugh, picking me up around the waist. He spins around with me in his arms making me giggle. My laugh fades as he sets me back on the ground. My smile falls from my face, guilt once again setting in.

"What's wrong?" JJ asks, noting my change in mood.

"I missed it all."

"That's okay."

"No, they already all don't like me. Kiara hates me because I'm a Kook or whatever. Sarah, I have to be friends through association. I'm no use for anyone. My dad hates me, my stepmom barely knows me, my mom shipped me off to another country and my brother killed himself. I'm useless."

"That's not true."

"I'm just a big disappointment." I sigh. And I truly believed it.

"Hey, don't say that. I didn't know what it was like to have someone put you above everything until you. You make me feel safe and at home." JJ sucks in a shaky breath. I could see tears welling up in his eyes. "I didn't know how to fix myself, my chaos, until you. You ground me like no one ever could."

"JJ." I say simply. No one had ever talked about me like this. Meeting this boy was the best thing to happen to me in a really long time.

"And holy shit, you're so goddamn beautiful. Like it blows my mind that you exist because you're just so perfect. You have these big blue eyes, and the most adorable dimples. And you're so caring about everyone and I love that about you. Your voice is my favorite sound in the whole fucking world. And I could never get enough of your fucking laugh, and your smile and everything about you."

Tears had begun to form in my eyes. This boy had stolen my heart. He steps toward me, taking my hands.

"Franklin, you are perfect. Everything about you is fucking perfect."

I pull my hands out of his so I could wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him into me. I smash my lips into his, kissing him feverishly. His arms wrap tightly around my waist, pulling me flush against him. He kisses me passionately, moving his lips against mine. I let out a soft breath as he pulls me even closer. His hand settles on my hip, holding me in place. I latch my hands onto his t-shirt.

He pulls away, looking at my face. His breaths are fast, his chest heaves up and down. JJ wipes at the tear that had started to make it's way down my cheek.

"You're no disappointment, all right?"

I nod at him. "Thank you." I whisper.

JJ presses another kiss to my lips. "Everything's gonna be okay." He grabs my hand, pulling me over to the bed.

JJ pulls off his t-shirt before handing it to me. I pull off my dress, leaving me in just my bralette and spandex shorts. I throw JJ's muscle tee on before sitting on the edge of the bed.

The blond glances over at me from where he was sat on the bed. "Franklin, talk to me."

"I'm fine. I just got in a fight with my dad. He doesn't want me seeing you guys anymore. Which I'm obviously not going to listen to."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm not. I have you." I meet his gaze. I can't help but feel butterflies rise up in my stomach as we make direct eye contact. JJ grabs my chin with his thumb and pointer finger before leaning down to press a gentle kiss to my lips.

"Come on." JJ lays down on the bed, pulling me with him. I lay my head on his toned chest. His finger tips graze my arm before settling on my hip. "You know I'm not going anywhere, right?"

"I know, J."

"Good." He presses a soft kiss to the top of my head before relaxing into the pillow. "Because I've wanted this since I first saw you."

"What?" I ask softly, slight confusion edging my voice.

"Us." A small smile makes its way to my lips. I look up at him. His eyes trained on mine, full of a familiar look. He had always looked at me the same, eyes filled with adoration. I just hadn't realized until now.

I slowly fall back to sleep, listening to the sound of his beating heart.

a/n: teheheheheh they smooched

Thalassophile // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now