𝟑𝟑: 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐈 𝐀𝐦

Start from the beginning

He's been sitting at her side since they brought her here four hours ago. Not once has he moved to use the bathroom or eat or even sleep. Her father thought it would be best for Violet to stay somewhere she can be attended to because it wasn't best for her mother to find out about what happened.

Theo was relieved to hear that he can be with her through this difficult time. Even if it's just to sit by her bed and watch her sleep tiredly. Her chest rising up and down slowly through the black silk button her let her borrow. How flushed her cheeks are from all the tears and how puffy her lips are. She looks so exhausted that it makes tears fill his eyes because he wishes her pain can go into him instead.

The last thing he wants is for her to feel all this pain. He just wants to protect her from the world and keep all bad hidden from her. To give her this perfect life where she has nothing to worry about besides what outfit to wear because he spoils her with too many clothes.

"I'm so sorry I lied to you about my reasons." he clenches his jaw as his red eyes let out tears. "I never planned to love you this much."

"Neither did I." Violet mumbles as she bats her tired eyes open, causing Theo to jolt up. "But maybe you should have thought about the consequences before doing what you did."

The words spoken by Violet shocked him more than she thought they would. His eyes show pain behind how red they are because of his tears. His shoulders tense as his chin quivers.

"You didn't pay attention to me when we met. Why would you say it like you hurt?" he finally get's up from the hard chair that numbed his legs. "I'm sitting here telling you how much I feel for you and you're stuck on something that happened before we were together?!"

"I'm stuck on something that you kept hidden from me." Violet corrects him, staying down on the bed because it hurts too much to move. "It's not about when it happened but about why it happened and why you didn't tell me about it. It makes me feel like you couldn't trust me. You know you're such a hypocrite, you talk about my father saying things too late and yet you didn't tell me till today."

Theo says nothing to her rant because some part of him knows she's right. He could've told her but he was and has been so caught up in the moment of having her that he couldn't risk ruining it. What they have is something he's never experienced; she makes him feel like a teenager in love.

She's, his reason.

"Violet –"

"Can I just be alone Theo, please?" she turns over with small whimpers of pain and faces away from him, hugging the pillow under her head. "I'm not in the mood to argue any further."

For a second, he hesitates leaving her alone in this condition but decides to respect her decision. He walks forward and places a shy kiss on her warm temple before heading towards his bedroom door. He's been told to leave his own bedroom and he's doing it.

He's doing this all for her.

As he leaves the room, he meets with Elaine out in the hallway as she stands with a glass of water and medication on a silver tray. Her eyes look worried for the man in front of her, she had no knowledge of his romance with Violet until now.

"I was just dropping off her medication." she frowns and swerves his large body to enter the bedroom behind him.

Theo huffs and proceeds to go downstairs to his office with his phone in his hand, dialing Draco Malfoy. It confuses him how even as his best friend for decades, Draco didn't care to inform him that he was leaving. He didn't care to inform Violet that he was leaving her forever.

His phone sends Theo straight to voicemail and in frustration he throws it down the stairs, dropping on the top step with his head in his hands. Right now, his emotions are everywhere. They're a disaster.

Signed Professor MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now