Ch. 1

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In 845 you heard the news that wall Maria had fallen. You were clinging onto your uncle, Dot Pixis, the Commander of the south side of the Garrison Regiment. Your name is Y/n Yeager, age 12. 

Pixis was your blood uncle from on your mother's side of the familly. Your mother passed away when you were at the young age of 7. 

You were feeling broken because you knew that your father and his other family lived in Shiganshina, the first district that fell to the titans. 

You lived in the interior with your uncle. Pixis had always wanted you to join the Garrisons, but you had your heart to the outside, the Scouts. He wasn't too found of it so he told you to not think about joining the cadets.

When residents from the districts on Wall Maria had to find refuge in Wall Rose, you begged your uncle to allow you to join the cadets. But he still refused. 

In 846, when adults went out to fight and lost you begged almost everyday. You understood that he was trying to keep you safe. But you didn't want it. 

You thought you lost your entire family. Mon dies at 7, dad and half brother missing. 

You knew you wanted to avenge your familly. And save humanity. At the age of 14, Uncle Dot gave you the 'ok' to join the cadets.

When cadet training started, you stood out. Because you looked much older than the other kids there. You noticed there were a tall blond boy with a blond girl and a black head boy, almost the same height as blondie boy. 

Walking up to them you saw that their facials were filled with either regret, or fear. The Commander of the Cadets, Keith Sadies, told you all to line up. You were alredy close to the three, so you stood near to the tall blond. 

Sadies started walking around the other cadets. There was a girl eating a potato. A boy that couldn't do the solute and a blond with a mop-top hair cut.

He walked up to you. You saluted to show your respect. " Who are you cadet?" "Y/n Yeager, from wall Sina sir." "Do I know you, Yeager 2?" "Sir, my uncle is Commander Pixis from the Garrison Regiment, Sir." 

The rest of the cadets gasps as you said Pixis. The other cadets introduced them selves to the Commander until it was time to go to the mess hall. You sat at one of the lone tables after you received your tray. 

The tall blondie walked up to the table and sat next to you. " Hey Y/n Yeager. Are you related to Eren?" " I don't know any Eren." " Yo Eren, you know this chick?" 

Eren sat across from the room, talking to the other cadets about what the Colossal titan and the Armored titan looked like, and looked up at you from his food. 

The Jean kid, who you though was kind of cute, was trying to get his attention.

Eren walked over to your table and sat across from you. His two friends, Armin and Mikasa, sat with you as well. You were kind of uncomfortable with the amount of people around the table.

 Eren started speaking. " Who's your father?" " Gisha Yeager." "Does that make us related or something?" " Bitch, I hope not." 

You didn't like the stunt he pulled out earlier. Saying that if people can't keep up they should leave. That made you pissed off. 

You finished eating and left to go to the cabins for bed. You were bunked with a girl named Sasha. 

The bell rang for lights out and the girls started filing in.

Girls got to where their beds were located till you saw your bunk mate wasn't there. " Where the fuck is this Sasha girl?" "She's just outside." You looked upset but tried to keep your composure.

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