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────── 〔☾〕──────Ray's Retaliation - Takahiro Obata ────── 〔☾〕──────

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Ray's Retaliation - Takahiro Obata
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Hayate made no notion of knowing they had left the compound after their return but they rest of the day was still frigid and tense. Dinner was a mostly silent affair, minimal words exchanged like usual, but the air around Tetsuro remained heavy. Like each breath could choke her.

Ishida was better at hiding her nervousness. She remained stoic and poised around her master, eyes to the floor respectfully, while her words were clipped and short. She gave away nothing. It was like defying Hayate came more naturally than obeying him. Tetsuro however still felt ill whenever she lied to him. Though, as time went on, it slowly began to fade. Each day passed and the twisting in her gut faded. The tremors in her hands stilled. However, the doubt always lingered in her mind as well as the hurt for purposefully deceiving him.

But even that seemed to fade away as the weeks went by and as they grew bolder.

It had been two agonisingly slow months before Ishida had taken Tetsuro out of the temple grounds again. The girl had been a frantic mess, sweating and panting at the mere mention on leaving, but Ishida had coaxed her with the promise of the ocean. Maybe even a movie. That had enticed the girl. While she remained cautious, mildly scared even, she had worked up the gall to once more stand knee deep in the ocean. Ishida had even worked her up to going into the ice cream parlour that sat overlooking the shoreline. She had been buzzing for hours because of the sweetness and sugar.

Then, six months almost to the day of their first escapade, Ishida took Tetsuro into Tokyo.

"Oh my god" the girls mouth hung open.

People bustled around her, lost in their own worlds of safe normality, while the smell of unfamiliar food filled her mind to the point her mouth was watering. Her ears rang with the almost overwhelming and consistent noise around her. Everything kept moving. A steady stream of cars and people and trains that ran their course like a river, undisturbed by the two pebbles that were Tetsuro and Ishida. Odd pebbles admittedly. The young girl was dressed in a plain but still elegant yukata, contrasting with the more modern cloths of those around here, while Ishida was in some spare clothes she had left from her life before. The tattoo on her forehead was covered by a red bandana pulled low and folded over several times like a headband. Tetsuros own now completed tattoo was covered by the long sleeves of her sky blue yukata.

"I know it's a lot to take in" Ishida smiled brightly as she looked around the familiar city with its bright lights and busy streets "but I think you'll like it"

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